Rome: Total War

Well if you add the enemies armies or your allies armies up, you can have the maximum of around 10,000 soldiers on one screen.

I think I know what you are talking about, when you say the cannons are choppy when they fire. The same thing happens to me. It could be just that there is too much information going to the computer at the same time, or it could be a glitch in the game perhaps. (This is only a geuss)

By the way, the History Channel agreed to a series contract that allows the Rome: Total War graphics engine to be added in with a new show called "Decisive Battles". Viewers will get to see how ancient battles turned out by watching Rome: Total War created battles. This is the second time Rome: Total War has been used in a historical warfare series. The first show "Time Commanders" (a game show that puts amateur people into strategizing warfare in some of the greatest battles fought in the ancient world), was relatively succesful on the BBC 2 channel and is pending the o.k. to launch another season. "Desicive Battles" airs July 14th on the History Channel.

Yet another reason why this game rules so much!
Theredintheskyisours said:
You should turn down the graphics for that stuff. That can be found when you go to the options menu and look under performence.

As for Wandrail's "turn-based" concern, well here's a description:

-2 turns per year (winter and summer)
-the campaign starts around 250 b.c and ends at Augustus' death in 14 a.d.
-it will take an estimated 50 hours to complete one campaign
-although only 11 factions can be chosen immedietly for the campaign, you can unlock factions by conquering them.
-The campaign map is heading towards a civilization (the game) type of campaign map.
Hmmm...sounds interesting. I suppose we'll see how it works out. I'm optimistic.
Theredintheskyisours said:
Well if you add the enemies armies or your allies armies up, you can have the maximum of around 10,000 soldiers on one screen.

I think I know what you are talking about, when you say the cannons are choppy when they fire. The same thing happens to me. It could be just that there is too much information going to the computer at the same time, or it could be a glitch in the game perhaps. (This is only a geuss)
Yes, that is what I'm talking about.
And the CTD is also annoying, the same problem on both Medival and Shogun.
Let's all hope it doesn't happen here.
O.k. I forgot to tell you guys something imprtant about Rome: Total War.

Supposedly Creative Assembly announced that there will be a unit dresser in the game. This means you can switch around unit uniforms (a barbarian can wear Roman gear and vise-versa). This also means (if this is true), that you can create individual leaders (Like Queen Boudicca, Hannibal, Caesar, etc...)
This features gives the game great replay value, and I hope that this is indeed true!
Did I mention there maybe a campaign editor where you can create your own campaigns!?

*I creamed my pants long ago (Since the last time I viewed the screenshot of a Nubian Spearman)*

Nubian Spearman pic: (had to link it up)

These guys remind me of Eddie Winslow from Family Matters on t.v.
Their haircuts look pretty stupid, but oh well.

Yup, that was a screenshot taken from the 4th official trailer from RTW!
The only thing I didn't like about that screenshot, was that the walls look a little dull and unrealistic.

But look at how many armies are attacking the city at once! Here's a zoomed out picture of the siege!

(sorry I have to link all these screens!)
Yes same here. But now the archers can be just obliterated when a barrage of catapult fire destroys the wall. The defenders will go everywhere and if the castle caves in, they tumble all the way down to their deaths!
Just wait a month or so and the demo should be out!
Theredintheskyisours said:
Yes same here. But now the archers can be just obliterated when a barrage of catapult fire destroys the wall. The defenders will go everywhere and if the castle caves in, they tumble all the way down to their deaths!
Just wait a month or so and the demo should be out!
But that is a risk you have to take.
Besides charging the castle will be more dangerous now.

But first in RTW siege battles is you are stationed outside the castle. You can always retreat into your castle, I believe too. But, basically you have to be defeated to be able to finally defend your castle from within the walls. I don't mind this feature as it is realistic unless the garrison size is overwhealmed by enemy numbers.