rome vs petrucci thread at


The HypnoToad
Oct 6, 2005
petrucci is ahead...
VOTE FOR ROMEO, muhaha lol
but as it seems no1 of them really knows MJR...
Romeo is the best neo classical based guitar player i've ever seen. But i can not compare him with Petrucci, their styles are different...
yes of course but I couldn't believe what I read...
Michael Romeo unclean and not diverse, repeating everything on every album etc...
WHEN WILL IT END!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
versus threads < nightwish threads < opeth threads < "when is the cd coming out" threads/"when is SX touring again" threads < everything else
hmpf... I didn't found any real MJR vs Petrucci thread...
In every thread I've found people where annoyed because this there has always been this thread, which as it seems to me never really existed
Had you been here around when Octavarium came out wchuck, you would've seen them dominating the entire forum.
ptah knemu said:
Had you been here around when Octavarium came out wchuck, you would've seen them dominating the entire forum.

Pls show me the thread, I've searched after every romeo vs petrucci thread but didn't find any serious and this was just a calling to vote for MJR :rofl:
LichofHell said:
These threads are dumb, if I could I would vote both, becuase I like both thier styles at different just really depends on my mood.

I don't agree. Forum members are not always three years old (as for membership). So if you are sick of these threads, just ignore them... (i don't say this to you personally)

And if you could (as i understood if you liked one of them better), you could vote , and you still say these threads are dumb eh?

My opinion on this kind of threads is that, rather than "the best guitarist, or which one is better; it could be "which one do you LIKE most" . Because "best" always depends...
if go for MJR just because I like him 'most' I love his music, his style, his look! Sure he's skill is great...But if ti matters I think Petrucci gives MJR a run for hsi money as well...I couldn't say who is better, but I will always prefer my good old friend MJR
Xymphony said:
I don't agree. Forum members are not always three years old (as for membership). So if you are sick of these threads, just ignore them... (i don't say this to you personally)

And if you could (as i understood if you liked one of them better), you could vote , and you still say these threads are dumb eh?

My opinion on this kind of threads is that, rather than "the best guitarist, or which one is better; it could be "which one do you LIKE most" . Because "best" always depends...

I would prefer "Who do you prefer" over a "Who is better" poll, becuase this is always subjective. I would be better to say even "Who has the best style" or technical ability. Even with that it will still be subjective.
What does it matter if it's been done before anyway? The reason people with any sense dislike the topic is because IT'S STUPID. All you can say is which you prefer.

You can't quantify music