To all who say Romeo is better than Yngwie - are you merely stating that you like Romeo's playing better than you like Yngwie's? How can you actually say Romeo is a better guitar player than Yngwie? Have you sat them down and given them a written test and Romeo scored a 98% whereas Yngwie score a 97%? 'tis all a matter of taste to me. I like both guitarists for what they bring to the table. I grew up on Yngwie and he will always be a favorite. His playing style and music style are so vastly different than Romeo's that I can't see any apples to compare between the two. What are you comparing - that they both play fast? Romeo plays faster? Romeo's more accurate? Romeo skips more strings? Yngwie skips more frets, so there! Give me data to support all those claims and I'll accept the fact that Romeo is indeed a better guitar player than Yngwie. I doubt any such data exist though.