25 Point Plan For A Better America: (The best bits)
1.) All White families in the USA ( husband, wife and minor children ) shall be provided with zero interest mortgage loans to buy homes fitted with all necessary household gadgets like fridge, tv, computers, etc. This will be achieved by the National Socialist Order of America with hard work, honesty of purpose, and intelligent and innovative policies. White families that produce four or more healthy White children will have their mortgage paid off.
3.) All parking meters be eliminated and tolls be removed from roads, bridges, tunnels, and federal monuments and parks. They belong to the people.
4.) The right to keep and bear arms without government regulation. No background checks or other obstructions. Firearms be allowed to be carried in public without permits. Free firearm shooting ranges and training courses for those cherishing the right to bear arms.
16.) All non-Whites (including Jews) be respectively returned to their racial homeland (or country of their choice) with a $30,000 stipend . America will be a White homeland. Any White citizen that can't stand to live in an all-White country can relocate elsewhere and will receive $30,000 as well.
24.) Enforcing laws against flying or displaying a Mexican flag above the American flag and/or any other nation flags displayed or flown above the Stars and Stripes.
25.) A government of, by, and for the people-not for special minorities, traitors, racemixers, and sellout politicians.