Rough neighbourhoods near where you live


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
Where are the rough neighbourhoods near to where you live i.e no-go areas?

I live in Manchester and the city has a massive reputation as been the gang/gun capital of Britain. Things are much different now but you'll still find gangsters and witness gang attacks. I revenly witnessed a gang carrying knives been restrained by police after threatening a man who was with his girlfriend in Wythenshawe. This satellite town also have a youth gang culture who fight for supremacy.

I tend to stalk the streets at night searching for damsels to save from rape. I never see anything. If there are any "rough neighbourhoods", I haven't found them.
mainly on the east side of Springfield.
I only go over there when im making deliveries for work...during the day. So im not worried about it at all.
Other than that, I have no reason to go to the east side.
The neighborhood around campus is pretty rough, but I live in a town where the biggest threat is an overload of pretension from old white people about 15 miles away. Virtually no darks.
Heidelberg West is the closest "rough neighbourhood" to me. I work in that area all the time. Lots of bogans and junkies living in housing commission homes. I worry more about having my shit stolen than anything else though.
Where I live is considered a "rough" town but Japan is a really fucking safe country. People from out of town warn their kids never to come here but really we just have a few stabbings, some drugs, and gangs of transient gutter kids riding around on motorbikes terrorizing the normals. Lots of yakuza activity too, it's not rare to see dudes with little tattoos on their thumbs indicating backpieces or missing fingers.

LOL that everyone instantly assumes "rough" = "black people"
i live in a reasonably friendly little town sandwiched in between two rough filthy shiteholes. the few my pals here are p nice, the pakis are mostly unfriendly but harmless (and hell, they make good curry), basically if you're gonna get any shit here it's from stoned white 16 year old chavs. although we do have a local arsonist, and some dude with alzheimer's stabbed his wife to death the other day.
In Chicago I was in a semi rough neighborhood. There were some gang members at my school, from the Latin Kings notably, and a couple smaller ones. Two blocks from my house someone was shot 9 times, and another time, a little further, someone's throat was slit and they were lit on fire. Fights happened pretty often at school too.

I'm in a pretty nice neighborhood in Vegas though, I usually drive by countless numbers of Mercedes and BMWs.
I grew up on a farm and have only lived in student ghettos since then. Actually this year, I live out in the 'burbs in a two-year old house since one of my professors bought it and is renting out the basement rooms to my two buddies and myself so this has been the nicest place I've lived since leaving home.

Student ghettos aren't rough per se, just full of shadiness and you're constantly worried about your car being broken into. On the plus side, you know where to get your recreational drugs of choice pretty handily when you live in one of those neighborhoods.
Omaha, NE is infested with criminal activity. 92% of American cities have a lower rate of crime than here. Our crime rate is higher than Chicago.


Racist or not, most of the violent crime occurs in the black neighborhoods. Click on the link and look at the map. Most blacks live in the northeastern part of town, and as one can see by looking at the map that the crime rates are quite high there. Other high crime areas are the southeast (Mexicans), and north-central (white). Of course, the common thread between all these high crime areas is poverty, which is much more common in this city in comparison to others. I live in a relatively safe working/middle class neighborhood, but crime is still even a problem here, because of all of the run down apartments close the the interstate (and I'm not proud to admit that I live in one of these).

EDIT: Look at this shit, just happened over the weekend:
Pizza delivery man murdered and robbed
I live fairly close to one of the worst cities in the US, East St. Louis. Fuckniggas get murdered on a routine basis there. They also come up to the nice area that I live in and try to start shit. Luckily we have a really racist and malevolent police force to combat them.
The city I live in is selected as the safest city in all of Iran,but its boring. I haven't seen any crime with my own eyes.I mean common, at least some knife stabbing or burglary etc. lolz!
In Montreal it's pretty god damn safe but my band has practice in sketchy places in somewhat rough areas, usually in the evening, and carrying a thousand-dollar instrument around doesn't feel as comfortable as it could. But I have no fear of going out, getting hammered, and staggering back home at 2 AM, even if I'm not sticking to main streets.