Roundtable: ANATHEMA - Eternity


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

In terms of anything post-Silent Enigma, why have I always reached for Alternative 4 and ignored this completely?? This really clicked with me today -- the guitar leads are exceptional.

Love it, hate it, indifferent?

This and Judgement are my favourite post-Silent Enigma. Both are excellent. I'm the opposite though, it's Alternative 4 which never really clicked with me.

But early Anathema wins any day [/obvious]
This one doesn't get as much play as the next two, I've always considered it a transitional album. It kind of reminds me of Discouraged Ones in that it paved the way for a successful reinvention and is more rough around the edges than subsequent albums, but isn't nearly as focused as that album. But it does contain some great songs like Far Away, Eternity (all three), and Suicide Veil.
I'll have to give this another try, it's been years since I've heard it. But Alternative 4 is my all time favorite album.