a_silent_enigma said:awesome collection Kev P!! Show some pics please of your tattoo and I'd like to see those "infamous makeup days" from Anathema. How's the vid quality for the 92 and 93? Are you sharing them online?
flebbie said:hmm ok, I won't believe them.. and how about those judgement demo's, you really have them?? how do they sound?? must be very interesting, or were you lying too..?
yeah and vocals on anyone, anywhere by pybusikeaboy said:lying 'too'? watch your words there! forget about the demos, you aint ever hearing them, its against the rulesdeep has no vocals on it, just instrumental
Stille said:albums on MC's
a lot of bootlegs (avi, mp3)
flag made by me and faewith boys and fans signs, lyrics etc
guitar leaves
(may I include signed tickets, playlist, and Vinnie's towel? or misunderstood thread)
yogidaz said:I should do a garage sale I reckon. I kept all kinds of stuff. Obviously demos and 7"s, white vinyls, tour posters, flags and that. But also stuff you wouldn't believe. We used to steal things as souvenirs when we toured. Usually we were so drunk that we just discovered things in the van or in the t-shirt box when we got back... ofetn they were things that no-one could actually remember stealing. One night me and Vinny climbed over railings at the back of the Zeche Carl in Essen. We wandered round allotments and took old lamps, spades and things we would never really need. They were things that belonged to people so it was wrong. I remember having some unwritten rule in my head that we HAD to be the most badly behaved metal band or else we weren't "true". Yes, it was childish - but it makes for some funny (although shameful) stories while sitting round the camp fire.
I even kept the huge bloodstained Nepali knife that we used to slice each others arms up with to prove that we were prepared to literally "bleed for metal".
By the way. I got another rehearsal tonight with the Serotonal lads. We have five full songs that we regularly play now and a load more that we know, but we need to work on.
Its funny. Garage Sales are all the rage round your way (SF). I remember driving round there last year and every other block there was a garage sale. One householder was so embarrassed to be asking for money for her PC (I can understand - being a Mac user I am aware that PCs are no good) that she preferred to just give it away. My mate took it from her and sold it himself the next week for $200.a_silent_enigma said:A garage sale sounds great! I'm still looking for the illiad of woes demo......and those poster flags sound interesting.....e-mail me if you want to sell hehe: a_silent_enigma@yahoo.com