Royal Carnage Official "I'm Fuckin' SICK of Iron Maiden!" Thread

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This it the thread where all of those that are sick of all the talk of Iron Maiden this and Iron Maiden that should post your thoughts and words of wisdom.

I used to be a huge fan of Iron Maiden, and I still will admit that they influenced me early in my life as a guitarist/musician. But all this ass licking (most of which is led by GayKeeley) is just making me sick!


. . . and the way things are going, I'm going to have to post a similar thread about Judas Priest. Another band of immense importance to me in my youth . . . who once again is recieving amazing amounts of ass-lickage from certain peoples at this forum.

Number of exclamation points means shit. You've got to add 1's at the end!!!!!1111 :kickass:

You guys should come over to NY and we'll all go to OzzFest together.
Yeah, it seems a bunch of Rcers would eat a mile of Dickinson's shit to get to his ass.

Gaydas Priest is better.
Bruce Dickinson talking > Bruce Dickinson singing

He's one funny fucker, but I don't really care for his voice.
Did Garm steal Nate's identity to start this thread in an attempt to influence our stupendous RC tournament!!?? I think Ulver and Maiden are running neck and neck! :loco:
What the . . .

Where did this thread come from?

I'll admit I'm definitely going to be buying Bruce's new solo album in May (or whenever it comes out). Chemical Wedding is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times heavier than Iron Maiden.
Nate The Great said:
I'll admit I'm definitely going to be buying Bruce's new solo album in May (or whenever it comes out). Chemical Wedding is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times heavier than Iron Maiden.

I agree. :kickass:

Chemical Wedding is better than anything you own because it's the best album in the universe (not including Uranus). :loco:
Hey how come nobody goes nutso on Van Halen? I'd put them in the same category as Maiden and Priest, except they actually kicked some ass for awhile there.
I do find it lame that everyone gets their panties in a bundle that Ulver is running neck and neck with Iron Maiden. Ulver isn't worthy to be alongside the "almighty" Iron Maiden?!?! I mean wtf...they're a good band. But come on. Just because they've been around for 25 yrs doesn't mean they're untouchable. I'm about ready to omit my vote for em. :loco:

Atlas Shrugged said:
I do find it lame that everyone gets their panties in a bundle that Ulver is running neck and neck with Iron Maiden.

I don't think anybody is!! On the contrary, I even said that this tournament could end up Primordial vs. Bathory and that would actually be an excellent match up!

I mean, I HAVE to assume that Primordial would get more votes than Ulver....jeebus, I know Maiden may lose to Ulver due to average age definciency and simple ignorants, but for Primordial to lose to Ulver on a level playing field would be extraordinary.

EDIT: By the way, I'm assuming Primordial would beat Burzum, but if not, Burzum could lose to Ulver!!! *head spins*
I'm fuckin' sick of the same 2 chord progression and no new ideas in every single Maiden release. ok Maiden were good in their day and their music was very influential/innovative but now they have dried up and should therefore call it a day.
Profanity said:
I'm fuckin' sick of the same 2 chord progression and no new ideas in every single Maiden release. ok Maiden were good in their day and their music was very influential/innovative but now they have dried up and should therefore call it a day.

Or you can just not listen to anything past Seventh Son!! What are you, a retard? :loco:
JayKeeley said:
average age definciency and simple ignorants
You're just jealous that the best band (judging from most consistent amount of asskicking work, Ulver's worst album is still an 8/10 effort) that uhhhh.... shit. Where was I going with this? :zombie: