Royal Carnage Sucks

bloodfiredeath said:
So I have to ask, are you about ready to kill the next person who yells "yo Adrian" as if they are Rocky Balboa? :)
You would be the 2nd person EVER that knows I've heard that joke a million times. Every time somebody says that they laugh hysterically like "oh, I am so clever!" Joke's on them though, I've never watched a single Rocky movie in my life. :D

I am look forward to engulfing myself within massive quantities of beer this eve.
Demonspell said:
Or you could end up getting confused with Adrian Belew of King Crimson fame...and it isn't his real first name. :)
Wow, I didn't know that! What is his real name, David Byrne? Hehe, just kidding. :D I'm sure you know about this site, but here's my favorite KC site:

I'll watch some Rocky movies eventually, don't worry. I have seen bits and pieces though, just not an entire movie.