

Active Member
Oct 18, 2001
some of you mentioned your interests in rpgs earlier. so what knd of rpg do you play (pen&paper, live, tabletop, cards(uarrrgh)) and which systems? why do you think these are worth the time?

my first glance at rpg was a rulebook for dsa (das schwarze auge / the black eye?). after some years i began playing midgard for about 7 years. i had some intermezzos with shadowrun, ad&d (one evening), and earthdawn, but all these don't really count.
the thing i liked about midgard was the fact that your PC were very diverse - if you wanted to, you could have taught a plain warrior how to cast spells. it took ages to do so, but well, it at least was possible. and the adventures were very complex, i remember one episode we played on 3 days in one piece, with short naps.
pen&paper mostly ;)

I guess I have played everything (well, no I didn't but it's been a lot of different games...) :)

right now I play DSA (which, despite all my prejudices turned out to be the best game ever, great players, great characters, great gm), Shadowrun (I'm a kinda cyberpunk fan, not that sr really is all that cyberpunkish), Mechwarrior3 (one of the best combat systems ever, and I really like the background).

what I really would want to play one day is talislanta.
what really appears disgusting to me with DSA is how the spells are named. never seen anything more laughable, it just makes the game unserious in my eyes. "Bannbaladin, dein Freund ich bin!" ROFL
the whole system feels immature, but hey, that was 10 years ago when i played it for a short time. i don't know what they changed till now. and hey, i forgot i played warhammer as well.
well, I used to say that too, but as of late, the whole background seems to me one of the most mature and down to earth ever.

and btw. there is an english edition, and it's called : the dark eye
the computer games were called realms of arkania in the english version.

the black eye means das blaue auge (wie in "aua, das tat weh" ;))
I've played lots of different RPGs. Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Mechwarrior, Twilight 2000, Runequest, D&D, AD&D among others. Mainly just RuneQuest and Shadowrun.
I'm a sort of World of Darkness integralist :).
I've played Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Wraith: the Oblivion and expansions dedicated to the World of Darkness in Asia, such as Kindred of the East and Hengeyokai: shapeshifters of the East.

Wraith is, in my opinion, an unique experience and a splendid setting, but it's also kind of too complicate for anyone that hasn't at least got some knowledge of psychology.
This because each wraith player also roleplays the Shadow (the dark side) of another wraith. It makes things very difficult... but the shadows archetypes are awesome!

Werewolf also has a great setting, especially for what concerns the Umbra, the Spirit World.

Call of Chthulhu was another great game.
Other games I've played or at least read, are Fading Suns, Ars Magica and Star Wars (the awful d20 edition).
Personally I hate AD&D. I find that the rules suck and force players into powerplay.

During the last month I'm playing Hengeyokai. I love the East Asia setting (lol, I wouldn't be studying japanese, otherwise...). Our chronicle is set in the China of the 1600.
My character is a khan weretiger warrior, but it's not my best one.
Once I wrote 9 pages of background for a Toreador vampire... but we're still having much fun :).

Okay, enough with babbling :p...
Btw, that's her portrait.
The kanji is that of 'tora', 'tiger'...


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I used to play D&D a lot (like 8 years ago), but since than ive parted ways with my friend i used to play D&D with and none of my other friends are serious enough to actually sit down and DM with or anything.

For me now its allllllllllll console RPGs. All I need is a good story in an RPG and im a happy camper, Suikoden, Lunar, Phantasy Star, Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy? Ahh....:D
Mutant, Middle Earth, Ad&d (Forgotten Realms, now mostly Planescape), Wasteland and stuff like that... Also Warhammer Fantasy Battle, 40K and Blood Bowl...

Still play (when the time is right...:)
I tried D&D, AD&D, DSA, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Cyberpunk, Star Wars, StarTrek, CoC, MechWarrior, Pendragon, Vampire, Ars Magica and dunno if there were more...

As for action, I like Shadowrun best (bullets, bullets and more bullets hehe). It also provides the most diverse background (Cyberpunk stinks in comparison).

As for fantasy, I like Earthdawn, but the rules suck - way too complicated. DSA was nice. (A)D&D was not so much about serious roleplaying - too much hack'n'slay, Cash'n'carry...

Pendragon was really great!

As for magic, the best of all is Ars Magica, because there isn't the off-the-shelf firebolt-magician....

In general, I don't like rules based on steps and classes of characters. I like "free" systems better....
jep, you're right about the free character systems. although if one has some knowledge, it's easy (for example in shadowrun) to build up a new character who's already demi-god-like. therefore not long ago i started a new group on "gang-level" which we call it. you get only a certain percentage of initial points to distribute, and of course your character will be quite crappy (the attributes). so players are forced to think before getting into a gunfight. also they are settled in a way different surrounding than they normally would be in and have different problems to deal with (damn, what am i gonna eat today?). this makes it more interesting. you should try this one out, it's possible in nearly any system except maybe rolemaster or ad&d.
I think my avatar speaks for himself and my background with vampire campains...other than that ( and a couple of 100s of magic the geekthering cards i have from a friend ) are the only rpg stuff i play. Im fond in Computer RPGs and i rediscovered some great 16bit era console rpgs ( Thales of Phantasia fucking rules! it rules im telling you! ).
@Soulscar: then I think you should really love White Wolf games. There are no classes, just Clans or Tribes, depends on the game... they provide little more than just cultural background and particular powers, but in old Clanbook Toreador there were templates such as speed metal guitarist, martial artist, poseur, rapper, anything that has to do with art...

@Misanthrope: I see:). Sascha Vykos... my vampire character used to hate Tzimisce because she had the occasion to experience Vicissitude on her skin :)...
Hey, would you like to tell me about your character?
OtSearn et Frakg? He is a Tzimisce working in a top secret project tracing back a misterious virus that supposedly causes the vampiric state of the body, he is semi-independent because he has lived the sabbat influence in favor to his experiments but not without taking a good amount of sabbat resources under the flag of establishing sabbat domain in the small city he moved to. His experiments are supported by a very powerful Lasombra called Dunhan who generally takes care of the common day annoyances of the local "Kindred". As a character he is an introspective loner, he is a man of few words that hides his personal motivation and search for enlightment in his scientific search to uncover the misteries of Hedon ( the virus that could cause the vampiric state ). He expends a great deal of time trying to overcome his still recent traumas of his mortal unlife ( he had lost almost all human contact with the world as a mortal devoted to a life of self pity and extreme depression ) and is not unusual to him to go out of his way and punish his subjects of control a little bit over the objetivity of experiments, recenting all society and not being very fond in the sabbat powergames he pays little or no atention to the people obiously working against he to stop his research. Only time will tell if the common problems of other cainites will eventually drag him into a life he despised as a mortal and still shuns in his unlife.
AD&D can be more than hack'n'slash if you just want it to. It just gives out rules on how to handle the battle situations. The actual roleplaying is up to you.

There are ways to hinder munchkins (character that is built just to be the best (worst?) badass in town) in Shadowrun. You can't walk around looking like a monster in the city streets without Lone Star taking a note of you and suddenly you're riddled with bulletholes from the four nearby Yellowjackets or you're resting at a crater or some mage has fried your brain with a nasty manabolt.
I'm addicted to rpg's. I used to play AD&D since I was ten, but my group of friends disbanded and we don't play anymore. I'm trying to find a good substitute. I also love consol rpgs, and right now I find myself playing Everquest on my computer a lot.
@Misanthrope: interesting character... though I wouldn't like such a thing as vampire nature being explanated as the effect of a virus...
But anyways, interesting character, really ;).
Hehe well the virus thing is nothing but some strange thing found in the blood of a cainite but i left the path open to develop on it ( im usually the storyteller on our games but i try to develop each mayor npc just like a pc would to make the game more interesting )
Meh... I kinda miss my Vampire chronicle. Not to boast, but my character was really well built. I was creating a political chaos to ascend to the position of Prince of Turin.

Rosa Di Leoncavallo, Toreador, 10th Generation (after having diablerized a Lasombra that emprisoned her). I wrote 9 pages of background for her. I concentrated everything on her force of will, during the creation. Both with Virtues, Willpower, and Merits and Flaws. I wanted her to be as cold as stone, and that's also why I decided to make her albino (see attached portrait).
After 200 years of troubled and painful life, she's become a stone cold tactician and machiavellian conspirator. Her aim is to destroy the Sabbat, which is responsible for destroying her life, by killing her beloved Sire, treating her like a slave and letting her have 100 tremendous years of slavery in a Tzimisce castle.
But she sees that the Camarilla of Turin is too unaccomplishing, so she's plotting to gain the control.

She's not an artist, not in the common sense. She's an artist of the sword.
Hmmmmm... @Misanthrope: would you mind letting me see your character's sheet? Just curiosity. If you want, I let you see mine...


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