Rugby League 2008 Season

You don't even see too many occasions where players get reported in the AFL these days. It's all done on trial by video... I don't think it's softened at all in recent years, even if it's become more boring due to shitty indirect play; once video evidence came in it changed then. That was years ago though.
It's not all up to the coach though. The Dragons have to be the most under-performing club in recent memory and that can't be purely Brown's fault. However, Bennett is less likely to be seen as a "mate" as Brown was. His reputation is bigger than he is so I can see that changing things a lot.
But people are always ready to pounce on the coach at a moment's notice. Look at Graham Murray - gets his team to one game from the grand final last year, and this year he's out of a job before a ball is kicked in anger. If there are ever any problems with a club, the coach is the first to go.
bennett will be a great move for ST George

lets face it, barrett was the saving grace for them during the last few years. with his departure to england has left them with nothing other than ben creagh and mark gasnier.

first 2 weeks of the comp show us how good creagh is as setting a platform, and thats crap. As for gaz, he needs someone who knows how to shift the ball 2 passes wide of the ruck for him to be effective.....

Saints to finish outside the 8 for mine
Things are looking up for future years with a coach like that on the way. The Dragons failed to go all the way when the squad was at its best and most exciting a few years ago. Here's hoping things change soonish.
Former Roosters, Tigers and (most importantly) Warriors player Nathan Wood was on Gladiators tonight. He won after the other guy choked.
Willie Tonga has signed with the Cowboys.

The North Queensland Toyota Cowboys have signed 24-year-old Bulldogs centre Willie Tonga for four years from season 2009.

Tonga has played 85 first grade games, starting his career with Parramatta and then moving to the Bulldogs. He played twice for Queensland in 2004 in State of Origin and has played seven tests for Australia.

CEO of the North Queensland Toyota Cowboys Peter Parr is delighted to have secured Tonga to add to the calibre of the team.

"Willie is an exceptional player, who will add both quality and depth to our outside backs. It is wonderful news that a centre of his ability has decided to play for the Cowboys," Parr said today.
Tonga was good one season 4 years ago.

Spot on.

As for the Dragons, Bennett will hopefully instill discipline in the team. THat has been their major downfall for the last six seasons. That and key players not standing up when they need to (I'm looking at Trent Barrett, Jason Ryles in paticular)... I also don't understand the Dragon's recruitment/retention. Ashton Sims, Aaron Gorrell, Matt Head, and Mick Ennis in particular in the last few years. Rather, let's get an old hooker in. Sure he's got experience, but frankly he doesn't have any creativity. And yeah, the dragons halves - simply need to shift the ball wide more often - give the centres GOOD ball, but the forwards really need to get the ball rolling, which they don't seem to be able to do. The dragons run from dummy half, but htey're not 'let's get the other team on the backfoot' runs, which is a huge problem. But hey, they've got a young squad. Once Creagh and Dean Young get to full fitness, if the forwards can fire the Dragons should make a good fist of it.

Oh, the pausing to look at the video ref = fucked. The rule that a player is held once they are in the air = even more fucked. Everything's fucked.

Ok, there's my whinge for the week.
How was Melbourne's second half in Canberra?! I was about to send my mate a text at half time, giving him shit, but thought I'd hold off just in case. Glad I did now.