You were fortunate for the ODIs and tests..........oh and we knocked you out of the rugby world cup against the odds.

Yep, I'm looking forward to the ODIs and Tests. Not a big T20 fan. Yes, you won the quarterfinal, but didn't deserve to, and you benefitted from the most atrocious refereeing performance in history:

:worship: OMFG - Bryce Lawrence is a fucking blind asshole ref. He gave the game to the Australians. I know you Aussies don't know much about rugby, but your flank Pocock - HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DID HE HAVE HIS HANDS IN THE RUCK?!?! And the ref does FUCK ALL. What a useless prick. Lol, we owned you in the game, just not on the scoreboard unfortunately thanks to a retarded, amateur match official.

Hey the crowd hates the Aussies hey?! Wow! Enjoy meeting your end against the All blacks next week.
Yep, I'm looking forward to the ODIs and Tests. Not a big T20 fan. Yes, you won the quarterfinal, but didn't deserve to, and you benefitted from the most atrocious refereeing performance in history:

The refereing the whole world cup has been shite LOL. Do you play cricket? I used to.
I was fast when I was younger and had the ability to swing the ball both ways. I came out of retirement with 1 days training last year and got 4-22 from 5 overs in a 1 off game. I have slowed a bit but I can still swing the ball. I could bat when nerves didn't get to me. I played a little AFL. These days I go to games with my kids.
Will watch my first ever rugby game tomorrow. With some French dudes. Can be cool - if they win :kickass: