Rumor: New Metallica early 2003. Bad for Anthrax?


Feb 14, 2002
I was hoping the Metallica release would get pushed back so all attention would be on Anthrax. Maybe James will start drinking again and their album will get pushed back.
Who knows? There may be a whole backlash towards Metallica after the Napster thing that could benefit Anthrax. Maybe some moron will accidently label an Anthrax song as being played by Metallica before logging on to a file-sharing network, and everyone will download because they don't want to buy the Metallica album, and they'll say "The new Metallica album sucks...except for that one song called 'Superhero'"

Or maybe, radio stations will play an Anthrax tune and a Metallica tune back to back as part of a metal "set". People will say "Man, Metallica has sure lost it...but this Anthrax, they're the real shit!"

Or maybe my antipsychotic medications will kick in and I'll come out of this little fantasy world.

Anyway, look at which bands board I hang out in, and that should tell you which album I'll be buying if they come out head-to-head. :lol:
That, and there's no rule saying that you can't own more than one CD at one time, or else I think we'd all be in jail by now...

I'm not buying new Metallica til I hear the entire thing and even then I'm not making any promises.

I will, however, buy Anthrax as soon as it comes out, depending, of course, on whenever that happens. If it's not out til after the baby's born, they're just gonna have to wait until I find the time to get to the store.
I think I'll download the entire Metallica album and hand out copies of it in front of CD stores and tell the kids that "this free Metallica CD-R is yours if you buy the new Anthrax CD."

I promise that, even if it sucks, I will make an effort to "steal" the new Metallica album. Out of spite.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just got an image of Lars shitting his pants and then showing up at your house (all stinky) and throwing a huge tantrum on your front lawn, complete with throwing himself on the ground. I think I've seen too many bratty kids at the mall.

Oh and buying stuff online is reserved for those with credit cards, something I avoid like...well, like new Metallica. :D
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just got an image of Lars shitting his pants and then showing up at your house (all stinky) and throwing a huge tantrum on your front lawn, complete with throwing himself on the ground. I think I've seen too many bratty kids at the mall.

Oh and buying stuff online is reserved for those with credit cards, something I avoid like...well, like new Metallica. :D

I'm sure Lars prolly shits himself alot, I imagine his O-ring is blown out from all the fags in San Fran he lets cornhole him for cocaine.
I am against the downloading and burning of music but for Metallica I will make an exception ;) Fuck those turncoats. I also hate it when other bands give them so much kudos for some freakin reason. Yeah they were good but everything after Justice sounds the same to me. They found a nitch and now they ride it all the way to the bank. Over and over.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just got an image of Lars shitting his pants and then showing up at your house (all stinky) and throwing a huge tantrum on your front lawn, complete with throwing himself on the ground. I think I've seen too many bratty kids at the mall.

Oh and buying stuff online is reserved for those with credit cards, something I avoid like...well, like new Metallica. :D

That would rule if Lar$ came to my house because Colorado has the "make my day" law.

You need to get a Visa Debit card. That's the only way I pay for all my DVD Porn.;)
Did you read the shit Metallica was talking about the new album? This thing won't be out until June '03 at earliest. The Anthrax record had better be out before then. Besides, the new Metallica will probably suck ass anyway.
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude

That would rule if Lar$ came to my house because Colorado has the "make my day" law.

You need to get a Visa Debit card. That's the only way I pay for all my DVD Porn.;)

Which "make my day" law would that be? I'm sure Arizona has 4. :lol:

Oh and DVD porn is very easily accessible at Fry's Electronics, they're only $20 as opposed to $60 at the adult stores. I'm pondering debit card or possibly a secured credit card, as we're looking to buy a house next year.