run mbox on ipad? this would be cool

I know its possible to use the ipodtouch/iphone/ipad as a bluetooth/wireless keyboard...

there'd surely be an app to use it as a keyboard and mouse at the same time...
I tried using VNC with my iphone and the latency is so rediculous i couldnt get passed 5 minutes of using it without going crazy. As far as pro remote goes, I cant justify dropping 90 bucks on an app just to control my faders from elsewhere.
what's the app that you use for it joey?

i got 'pro-remote' for my iphone a while ago and it sucked.

i used pro remote

works great.

i have a wireless router just for my audio production room, so everything works like a charm. mac is actually ethernet into the router, so that helps with speed. but honestly i couldnt even feel any lag.