Running samples from an external hard drive

Can I do this the same I would from my local hard drive without any latency issues or slow processing?

Thanks in advance

id say if it was with a firewire hard drive youd be fine to do it, i know writing to one is no prob but im not sure about the read speed, think you's run into some troubles with USB drive though
Awesome! Thanks guys. I'm in the process of clearing some space on my local drive so needed to know if I could move them onto my hard drive and still use them.

When you guys are recording bands (or recording in general) do you make a copy of the samples your using in that specific folder?

E.g Hard Drive > Recordings > Metal > BAND NAME> SONG NAME> Samples (Kicks) (Snares) (etc), Audio, Notes etc

Or do you simply just have a Samples folder on your hard drive where you locate everything?
I copy them in, mainly because I try a few samples out and if remove them if they ain't working for me
Ah cool, so you'll have two copies of the same sample?

Say one in your full sample collection folder and one copy in the band recording folder?
Yeah. Mainly because I'm paranoid I'd delete the file and be like "sheit, sheit..." and have to find the sample on a disc again.

I'm cautious!
No bother man :)

Aha, a Welshman, can you clear something up for me?

Do the Welsh say "you see" a lot?

Me and my housemate always start Welsh impressions with YOU SEE!
Haha, We both know how to shag sheep. It's one of my favourite pass times! I live right up on the North Coast of Scotland, we let our sheep run free up here, no fields or fences, just roads and sheep!

Where I'm from we don't say "th" at the start of words. So, we'd say "am off doon e street"

We sound quite Irish up here.