Rush and Symphony X


New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2004
Southern California
I dont know if many ppl have noticed but on the Symphony X song "The Oddyssey" at around 6: 43 is sounds excatly like Rush's "Cygnus X-1" at around 3: 21. Check it out if you dont beleive me. I just thought it was strange, and since most of the boys from SX quote Rush as an influence, maybe they put that part in as like homage to Rush or something. But ur thoughts are welcome, i was just curious about it. Rock On :rock:
I heard the similarities to Cygnus X-1 right away. It's very cool. :) I don't know if it was intentional or just something that kind of came out. Either way, I like it.
Gildamere said:
And what's even more curious:

2 x 3:21 = 6:42 which is just one second away from 6:43...


About Rush´s Cygnus... Yeah, i notice this similarity, i don´t know if it was intentional, only the guys can confirm that, but i found it very cool. :cool: About Kansas and DT, i didn´t heard those songs yet.

About the "2 x 3:21 = 6:42", that´s very weird... it´s a sign man, it´s a sign... :hypno: Symphony X will rule the world!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep rocking!! :p
SyXified said:
There's an even worse one between Kansas's Song for America and Rediscovery pt. 2. That's the only time I was ever like, wow that was a rip. Generally SyX sounds pretty damn original.
I would also call that the most blatant lift I've heard in their catalogue...although that part of the Odyssey is similar to the stop-starts in Cygnus X-1, though not an exact copy.