Tigron of Immanion
What's the seating capacity of the new amp?
12,000, I think.
By comparison, Lakewood Amph. is around 18-19,000. A bit more for, say, a Hanson show.

Moving Pictures was my first tour.....seen them every tour since. Rush and Dream Theater are the two bands I have traveled all over the country to see multiple shows on each tour for.
Heck, I was pretty young when the Signals tour came through!

I expressed some disappointment in another thread about S&A and was iffy on even attending this tour because of that.
Well.....last night my brother in law and I made all our pre show plans and are excited as HELL for the show and are eagerly awaiting ticket sales.![]()
I saw the prior tour for S&A. The CD is ookayyy..... And the show was good, although I'd have liked to hear a bit less from the new CD and a few more old classics. There is no way they can please every fan nowadays, though; too much material.