

May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
Does anyone here like them? I never gave them a chance but I just got hold of "2112" and it's a fucking great album. Real heavy rock with a nice story line.
Anyone got any recommendations as to what I should get next? Is the "Rush In Rio" dvd worth buying?
Are double barrelled french names a bit gay? :tickled:
All their 70's work is worth getting, their 3rd, 4th, and 5th albums are easily in the top ten of the greatest prog rock of all time. Try the 80's and 90's stuff at your own risk. Much softer, synth driven stuff in the 80's (still very much prog rock though), and more Hard Rockish/contemporary stuff in the 90's.
Rush is not metal, therefore, GoD MUST remove this topic from the board. Don't forget, General Music Discussion means metal only.
Rush is excellent. From their first, S/T, album up to Signals are truly awesome. The later material is not bad either but just not as up to par as the earlier stuff. I've been into them for forever and a day. Definitely worth delving deeper into man. Get Caress of Steel next. You'll thank me.
Funeral Portrait said:
Rush is not metal, therefore, GoD MUST remove this topic from the board. Don't forget, General Music Discussion means metal only.

If you're being serious, people here also discuss Agalloch and have "Music Besides Metal?" threads. :rolleyes:
Jean-Pierre said:
If you're being serious, people here also discuss Agalloch and have "Music Besides Metal?" threads. :rolleyes:
I'm not being serious at all :)

The point I was trying to make was that I'm sick of GoD barging in the non metal threads and either moving them, deleting them, or just closing them.
the beginning of 2112 is the best part of the song.....the rest just seems kind of tacked on....Rush are better at the 6-10 songs....2112 doesn't have enough substance to be 20 mins long
Funeral Portrait said:
I'm not being serious at all :)

The point I was trying to make was that I'm sick of GoD barging in the non metal threads and either moving them, deleting them, or just closing them.

Rush is one in a handful of Prog Rock bands who have never resorted to pointless wankey. I can listen to any of their songs and enjoy them all the way though.

The Fountain Of Lamneth is probably their most underrated song. True perfection.
To those of you guys who are big Rush fans, what album do you suggest I start out with? I've never really made an attempt to get into them, but now I'm interested.