
Funeral Portrait said:
To those of you guys who are big Rush fans, what album do you suggest I start out with? I've never really made an attempt to get into them, but now I'm interested.
Moving Pictures is probably their most popular and accessible might want to start there....Permanent Waves is also quite good and has some radio hits....Hemispheres and A Farewell to Kings are probably my favorite of their prog stuff
Funeral Portrait said:
To those of you guys who are big Rush fans, what album do you suggest I start out with? I've never really made an attempt to get into them, but now I'm interested.
Just start from the beginning and move forward. That's the best advice I can give.
Pretty much any thing they did on moving pictures and before is gold, but like was just said, their later stuff got fucking lame. Oh, don't worry about Rush really mentioning God or Jesus or something b/c I know you'll have a heart attack if they did.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Does anyone here like them? I never gave them a chance but I just got hold of "2112" and it's a fucking great album. Real heavy rock with a nice story line.
Anyone got any recommendations as to what I should get next? Is the "Rush In Rio" dvd worth buying?
Are double barrelled french names a bit gay? :tickled:
The DVD is well woth buying! And 2112 IS a great album!
MetalHeadMarc said:
Oh, don't worry about Rush really mentioning God or Jesus or something b/c I know you'll have a heart attack if they did.

I'd rather they sang about Jesus than Star Wars or some gay shit like that. :Smug:

Yes I do know what 2112 is about, before anyone asks.

2112 is a pretty "heavy" record in terms of the use of guitar, while "Moving Pictures" seems slightly less so - are there any other Rush albums that have guitarwork as heavy as 2112?
I'm just going to list my 5 favorite RUSH CD's as I already own every CD except the one from a year or so ago that the band now wants to remix.
1. Hold Your Fire (1987)
2. Moving Pictures (1981)
3. Permanent Waves (1980)
4. Hemispheres (1978)
5T. A Farewell to Kings (1977)
5T. Roll The Bones (1991)
5T. Test For Echo (1996)
My least favorite is Signals and the debut Rush.
If you don't own any Rush albums and don't think you can commit to at least 4, then you are better off getting the Chronicles double CD best of set which rules and is what got me into Rush more then a decade ago.
Rush fans who don't rate 2112 may not like that era Rush, although imo it was by far the best.

I miss the stuff they used to write when they weren't trying to be too clever, and Neil had that great tache :)

Anyway Caress of Steel is the one you need, just for the Necromancer (the guitar solo at the end of Return of the Prince was my favourite 20 years ago and still gives me chills now, fuck I'm old) and the Fountain of Lamneth.
As a Bass Player I must say i'v learned alot from Rush, one of the things being how to play the bass and keyboard at the same time nsync. Also how to play faster with fingering and even many scales/cords. As a Musician, I hate Geddie Lee's voice and I think it stopped them from being a majority favorite, but on the same note; Neal Perts Drumb playing (2nd best in the world) is so entertaining, that Geddie Lee's voice can be toleranted. As a working man, i can agree with many of their lyrics and I would have to agree with Jean-Perrie on their under-ratedskillz and choice of albums.

silent E
Jean-Pierre said:
"Hold Your Fire" is your favourite Rush album? I'd rather watch two hippos fuck than listen to that piece of shit.
Yes, it just maybe my favorite and I'm not alone it seems. I have a couple friends who also said it was a favorite of theirs. Then Dan Swano (Edge of Sanity, Nightingale, Infestdead, Diabolical Masquerade) also says it's his favorite Rush CD. Hold Your Fire has many great songs on it, I guess it's just not your thing though.
Trust me, I love Rush and I gave that album lots of listens. It's completely without value, and I could care less what Dan Swano thinks (seeing as he's been in some really awesome bands :Smug: ).
You're right, Dan Swano has done tons of great albums over the last 15 years. His new Bloodbath CD is out now in Europe and showing the world once again that Swedish Death Metal is the best. Plus the new Nightingale CD will be out soon for those who enjoy the more AOR side of rock/metal. It's a shame there will be no more Diabolical Masquerade, they were probably the best black metal band from Sweden.
thespectralsorrows said:
It's a shame there will be no more Diabolical Masquerade, they were probably the best black metal band from Sweden.

Quorthon's corpse defecates down your throat for saying that.