Rustey Cooley

Rusty is probably one of the best shredders around today(one of the fastest anyway)... but I don't care enough to really look into it any further then a few of the videos I've already seen.
BastrdDrmr said:
his ability to stretch is very good and his alternate picking is scary, but for some reason his bends just sound like complete shit to me.

Probably out of pitch.

Incredibly fast but no melody or emotion whatsoever.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
his sweepings crazy! but yeah i agree with the no emotion thing (how can you fit emotion into alternate picking that fast?)
It become instinctive. When I play emotionally I can pick as fast as I could when I am really focused.
i've known about rusty for a while but never told anyone around where i lived cause their all poser goth bitches who think their good at guitar but other than that hes fucking amazing
g0t offtopic?

all matters aside, Rusty pwns, but most of his songs bore me. most of the new shredders these days bore me
I believe you can achieve some sort of emotion at any speed, the intensity of the emothion tho will 99.9% of the time fall accordingly into place with the speed tho once ya start getting up there.

You'd think at a level of playing like that the last thing you'd consistantly manage to botch is a bend.

The problem with a lot of shredders is, its fun to watch...

...Then the band comes out comes out and you start to wish you had brought a 16 gallon jar of cheese whiz with ya to suffocate yourself in.

Can you imagine the irony of having died a cheese induced death at a Nitro show?
Insilden_The Shred said:
Can you imagine the irony of having died a cheese induced death at a Nitro show?

hahaha :lol: I do like some of the cover stuff off of Michael Angelo's new album though..
Reisberg said:
hahaha :lol: I do like some of the cover stuff off of Michael Angelo's new album though..

Because he didn't write them...:lol:

From what I've heard he elaborates quite a bit on the leads... but it was never really his leads I found absolutely horrible... Just absolutely everything else.
Segger said:
its technically unreal, amazing that he can do it, but its musically boring as hell

its nothing more than musical masturbation meant to show off their skills.

cool to watch, and i wish i could do that....but it all sounds like arse