Saddest ending in a game or movie?

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Bridge to Terabithia ? I got forced into watching it with my family and my god can you ask for a more depressing movie, it made no sense whatsoever.
I just watched Blow for the first time in ages. The bit with his 'daugher' coming to see him is pretty sad, as is the fact that for what I don't think should really be a crime this guy is serving longer time than many murderers/rapists.
I just watched Blow for the first time in ages. The bit with his 'daugher' coming to see him is pretty sad, as is the fact that for what I don't think should really be a crime this guy is serving longer time than many murderers/rapists.

Yes, because cocaine drug lords are not directly or indirectly responsible for any crime. :rolleyes:
"The Mist" has a fucked up ending.. didnt make me cry but left me feeling ":erk:" for a few days.
"Dancer in the dark" is comparable.. leaves you speechless
the last sentence of Huxley's "Brave New World", where John Savage kills himself because he is unable to live in the land that the other characters consider to be a utopia
"The Mist" has a fucked up ending.. didnt make me cry but left me feeling ":erk:" for a few days.
"Dancer in the dark" is comparable.. leaves you speechless

Yeah I thought the same thing
ya know that movie would have been a lot better if the aliens wern't so cheesy looking insects and more monter looking or alien looking IMO
But it was pretty good
I'm not sure about the saddest ending i've ever seen. but the ending to American Beauty is pretty sad I think.
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