Saddest Song?

Gary Jules - Mad World
(The song from Donnie Darko & Tears for Fears cover)
I liked pearl jam's cover of last kiss as well.

eric clapton - tears in heaven is sad.

and if i recall, it was bumblefoot who recommended kevin gilbert - song for a dead friend... omg so sad.

porcupine tree - heartattack in a layby
Short Stories with Tragic Endings is awesome. I wish the rest of their CD was like that. I don't thionk it's the saddest song but it's so good and epic. I think the saddest song is probably "Saw you Drown" by Katatonia or "For my Fallen Angel" by My Dying Bride.
I don't really agree with you there Eirik...Undertow is suicidal if you ask me,rather than sad...
But there's definitely tons of sad ones for me in the PoS catalog. These days,People Passing By,Revival and To The End are the saddest ones for now...
I'll be the 3rd to say that Heartattack In A Lay By is sad sad sad...I always listen to it when we're coming back from an away soccer game. It does wonders.

Sort of a list here:
Pantera - Hollow is sad as hell.
Opeths' Harvest is just terrible,if you know what I mean.
Demons & Wizards - Fiddler On The Green...sad story behind it.
My Dying Bride - The Light At The End Of The World
Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem
Queensryche - Electric Requiem - very to the point.

There'd be lots of them,but those are some of the high points...
The one that makes me saddest would be Rapture - Sidkal, a sort of edited thing I made.


EDIT: Mikey's On The Wing is second. :cry:
TheFourthHorseman said:
I don't really agree with you there Eirik...Undertow is suicidal if you ask me,rather than sad...

Undertow is about leaving to find the answers to things... it's about uncertainty and wanting to be free to do what you need to do...

It turns suicidal, yes, but I'd say it fits well as a sad song...