Samples from Mercy Falls!


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008
Hi all!

Just got word today that this was ok for release.
Don't get your hopes up, no full songs yet or anything (coming in a short while though!).

This is a videoclip of roughly two minutes showing some of the different facets of Mercy Falls.

It is SO extremely difficult to summarize as long an album in that amount of time, especially as I feel that many musical parts are grand or great simply because of the context in which they appear, so as an artist I really do't like this sorta thing, but anyway...

I feel it is at least a decent representation of what's on the album and my hopes are that you hear that we still sound like us, but that there is also new stuff in there.

Looking forward to some honest feedback!

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I know it, I will love this album! :):rock::kickass:
Especially the soft and the happy part. Not to forget the shredding guitar.
Very hard to wait until the release date.
Extremely solid sample. There were moments there where i thought i was listening to lost tracks from WitW and Become, but something propelled them into new and undiscovered territories. It sounds so fresh, but without losing your trademark touch of melodic bass-driven prog.

When i first heard Mercy Falls was in the making, i was pretty excited but also knew that following up an album like Waiting in the Wings is going to be extremely difficult. In all honesty, i'm still not too sure that what i have heard so far is 'out of this world', but i leave my final judgement for the album. There is some definite promise in those 2 minutes, and i'm actually quite impressed. By the sounds of some of those riffs and melodies, even if the album doesn't live up the the near-impossible expectations that i have for it, i'm going to love the fuck out of it regardless.

Any chance for a music video this album guys? Did you write any song that could stand alone as a single perhaps?
It will always be a fact that there will never be an album that will sound exactly like WITW and that's the problem from a fan-standpoint when you've heard an album that you really love.

But like you said, I believe the magic is still there and whether it's enough..? Boy, I guess there will be many different answers to that! :goggly:

What I do know, and what I'll stand by, is that you definitely need to hear the full song to grasp the feel for it, but in the end it will all be a question of taste of course.

As for a video...
We had semi-booked a video recording session, but there has not been any decisions made on which song and wether to edit it or not, as the songs are quite long, but then you -here we go again- loose some of the feeling if you cut into it...

Difficult question.... We will definitely try to do something -that's for sure!
When i first heard Mercy Falls was in the making, i was pretty excited but also knew that following up an album like Waiting in the Wings is going to be extremely difficult.......There is some definite promise in those 2 minutes, and i'm actually quite impressed. By the sounds of some of those riffs and melodies, even if the album doesn't live up the the near-impossible expectations that i have for it, i'm going to love the fuck out of it regardless.

Nailed my thoughts, fire_angel........

I absolutely love WITW, i really can't get enough of that album.
It's got everything i love about music/prog. The sound and the way the songs are composed (melody, hard/soft parts...etc) is pure awesomeness.
I know it's a hard task topping WITW but i know you guys gave it your best shot..............let's just wait and see/hear!
Very curious to hear a full song though.

Thanks Andreas, for keeping us informed (and for the tease....:) )
Sounds kind of different than WITW, but still has that fresh melodic sound. Also seems a bit more symphonic this time.
Sounds awesome so far.
That's great to have some samples already !

I've just downloaded the three other pieces but to comment on this edit of many tracks, well, it is hard to judge with only a few seconds from a track but it sounds very good.
The general sound seems to be really wide, clear, a "big sound".
I enjoyed very much the softer parts, and the final section that is very catchy. The part with the bass meldoy also is original.
I like that melodic aspect of the bass parts in SW, something which is very rare in heavy rock, alas.
I tend to wonder why you add quite a lot of reverb (or another similar effect) on Tommy's voice. I do like a bit of reverb, but Tommy doesn't seem to need much, with the voice he has ! Well, it's not a big issue, but I tend to be very picky about the sounds and textures themselves, I thought I'd give my honest feeling about this detail.

Cheers - Marc
Sounds really good, except I think the guitar drowned in a couple of the samples, or is it just me?...:u-huh: Especially liked the majestic part! :D
We all know that the grammys are no indication of quality anyway. SW don't need to win awards: we already know they kick ass. We just need to do a better job promoting them to potential fans.

The real reward of being a band is having a true blue fanbase, not winning meaningless awards.
Albums of course do sell dude without awards, but awards are helpful too. I think you missed the point. Seventh Wonder doesnt write albums to win Grammy's however they deserve to win one dont you think? Its not irrelevant, its validation in one way for all the tons of work the band has done. Of course album sales speak volumes and just because someone has a Grammy doesnt mean its stellar, however its yet another tool in the arsenal to possibly get the word out to potential fans. I suspect some fans may like Seventh Wonder less from the sounds of it if they get all the praise and respect they deserve. The music industry is cutthroat and these guys deserve all the help they can get to promote their music. :cool: