SAN FRANCISCO pictures up (partially, anyway)


Photo Mistress
Okay, I worked my ass off since last night for you people. I have so far posted all the black and white photos from San Francisco and all the offstage silly pictures. I have not scanned the color SF pics yet because they developed them too dark and don't come out right when scanned. I still have to scan all the pics from Hollywood (another 60 pics or so). Keep in mind, these were a bitch to take. That stage is high and there was very little light on Janne. Keep checking this thread and I will post something when I get the color SF pics. I will make two different threads, one for SF one for Hollywood because some people don't want to see both.

To visit the temporary site for the photos, go to . Type in WARHEART for the member album name on the left. When you choose an album, remember you can hit the NEXT button on top to forward to the next photo in line. Hope you guys enjoy them, they are not all very good, but I posted them anyhow. :hotjump:
Awesome pictures, Squeaks. :headbang:
Thankie Arch, and it was so nice to FINALLY meet you at In Flames, even if that whole show was a bitch for me. Much thanks to bringing Anthony home.

By the way, for those of you interested, I also posted the Evergrey San Francisco pics and offstage pics. They are in the same place, except you put EVERGREY as the photo album you want to look at.

::: back to scanning photos, HMPH:::
Taking Anthony home was nothing. We had a great time chatting about music and other stuff. Great guy. And it was a pleasure meeting you in person. You rule!!!
Whoah! Awesome ass pics! And I think Roope is wearing that dog tag I Gave him in Chicago! CooL!!!
Wow, wonderful pics.