San Francisco & Yosemite


Oct 14, 2005
Halle/Saale, Germany

I'll be in december in Frisco and wanted to aks around if there is someone of you living there and might wants to join me then for a beer and may be for s short 2 day hiking winter trip to Yosemite?

Does anyone knows a company offering a guided tour there?

If your going in the winter make sure you check on the conditions-
Many roads in Yosemite close in the winter months due to heavy snowfall. It will be harder to find a guide that time of year, your best bet would be to contact the park service and see who is still available. Yosemite is beautiful and completely worth the trip though, even in the winter months.
2500 feet fall? Goddam. That'd actually give one a decent length of time to ponder one's impending doom.
15 idiots! ive been to yosemite many times and ive managed to not go over any falls or off any cliffs because i believe and heed the signs that say things like IF YOU GO OVER TO FALLS YOU WILL DIE
because i believe and heed the signs that say things like IF YOU GO OVER TO FALLS YOU WILL DIE

okay but is a sign that says "hey if you jump down this 2500 foot fall you're probs gonna die" even truly necessary
When I was there, we were on some ridiculously high lookout atop one of those precipices with 2000+ ft drops and there was a guy standing out on a very narrow rock jutting out over the damn thing posing for pics. Pretty much asking for a strong gust of wind to carry him to his death. Didn't happen though.
Slightly related: my brother in law and a bunch of other nerds were diving off some waterfall here in TN. One of them died. The bro-in-law happened to snap a picture of him as he was leaping to his death. Kinda creepy.