

Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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I have programed the drum track for sanitarium...... Just need to mix em down to waves and start on the guitars.....hope youve practiced up ec.... ;)
Ill send you two of drums only and a rough mix of guitars so u can have better control to record your bass with.

Guitars may take a while.....i find its always dodgy trying to get decent clean guitar sounds when recording....

Anyone keen on a vox track here....????

I also pinpointed the reason theres alot of hiss on my orion track....... When i clone the midi track to 5 sperate drum tracks.....And then mix em down to 5 seperate wave tracks......The resulting mix of the tracks gives the sound of 1 drum track but with 5 times the hiss....

I have a new mix of orion with the drum track being run through a hiss reduction tool from cool edit....its a lil better....but not perfect.

Stay tuned....
Meds, do you still convert the midi tracks to wav in "real-time"? I mean actually playing the track and recording the output to wav? That may be causing the hiss... I think I have a program that just writes the midi straight to wav so it should be hiss-free conversion. I'll check out my hd and let you know....
Found it!

The program is called Modplug tracker and you can download it from (ZIP-file)

or (Self-extracting EXE)

Here's a quick tutorial on how to extract tracks from a MIDI file with Modplug:

1. Open the file you want to extract the tracks from

2. Select "View patterns" from the "View" menu

3. Mute the channels you want to exclude from the wav file you are creating by clicking the appropriate "Channel #"

4. From the "File" menu, select "Save as Wave"

That's it! Try it out and let me know if it solves the hiss problem.
Hey gang....

Ive finished a mixdowned rythym guitars/drums mix of sanitarium....!!! Havent done leads yet...ran out of steam.... i had the rythym done weeks ago....only mixed it down today...!

Quality wise...the drums need to be remixed...hats a lil too loud....and its alot more sterile sounding than how i got orion to sound.....

Im pretty pleased with my clean sound.... i can never get it right...but its decent enough..... Overall it sounds ok.....

Soooo..... you still up for the bass ec...???? If so ill start sending fragments over like we did with orion..... Once youve done the bass....send the bass back to me...ill finish the leads....and set about about fixing the mix up from scratch again and send to tha singerrs...... :)

Originally posted by Medsy
Hey gang....

Ive finished a mixdowned rythym guitars/drums mix of sanitarium....!!! Havent done leads yet...ran out of steam.... i had the rythym done weeks ago....only mixed it down today...!

Quality wise...the drums need to be remixed...hats a lil too loud....and its alot more sterile sounding than how i got orion to sound.....

Im pretty pleased with my clean sound.... i can never get it right...but its decent enough..... Overall it sounds ok.....

Soooo..... you still up for the bass ec...???? If so ill start sending fragments over like we did with orion..... Once youve done the bass....send the bass back to me...ill finish the leads....and set about about fixing the mix up from scratch again and send to tha singerrs...... :)


Medsy, check your e-mail in a few minutes..... (I see that you're on here now)
Hey pickslide dude.....

Give me a lil time so i can retrieve the drum midi file and ill send it to you....

I have a midi drum track that i programed...... A midi bass line ( To help me record until EC sends me the proper bass ) .... and i have recorded rhythm guitars for it.... leads to come....!!

Ill send u the drum only midi track for now....lemme know if u want more...!!

Thats Fine..

Thanks.. Im sure i will be abll to get you a better sound backing track this way .

I`ll Post you a small Sample mp3 to show you what i mean..

then if you want to use it, i`ll do u a full version

Im Guessing seeing as you hav`nt sent me the Midi file , that it was too late for this Song..

Maybe Next tune you do...

I can Turn Nasty Dull sounding Midi Drums into something Quite Amazing...