Satanic interviews


Rusted Angel
Jul 18, 2002
Anyway, the thing is I'm doing a research paper on satanism. Now my question is if anyone knows where I can find interviews on Deathspell Omega (or any other bands with satanic ideology like Watain or Dissection) where the band talks about their ideology.

Ps. I've already read the one on anja offensive so don't mention that one. Any help would be much appreciated.
Gorgoroth are extraordinary funny in trying to get their message across.

??but that's not what you're looking for..
pretty sure they do but they say they don't so they can win more souls for beelzebub's stygian army, i mean come on black sabbath sold their souls for rock and roll and ozzy osbourne sang about noted satanist alastair crowley. to the original poster, i recommend changing your research topic because most people start out "just curious" and end up participating in black masses or WORSE
Mormagil said:
pretty sure they do but they say they don't so they can win more souls for beelzebub's stygian army, i mean come on black sabbath sold their souls for rock and roll and ozzy osbourne sang about noted satanist alastair crowley. to the original poster, i recommend changing your research topic because most people start out "just curious" and end up participating in black masses or WORSE

Please tell me that you're joking so I don't have to find you and murder you in the name of Satan.
cookiecutter said:

tons of interviews there, but you will have to find which have references to Satanism.


i recommend changing your research topic because most people start out "just curious" and end up participating in black masses or WORSE

You gotta be fuckin' kidding me. Anyway, i'm almost finished with the paper and for that comment i'm going to sacrifice you in the name of Satan! :worship:

Ps: Read a little, it's good for your health.

[You know that not all metal bands take the Satanism too seriously (i.e. Venom).

Of course. I've read a lot about satanism so I got a pretty good idea of what bands take it seriously and which don't.