More like a vendetta with DE4Life.
WAIF argues with some valid points but DE4Life is hands down a troll faggot to me, all talking shit about me on my birthday.
If I knew him irl I'd fucking stuff his birthday cake with so much xlax he'll die from an exploding asshole.
Also I'm tired of you dicks shutting down HotKnifingHash on all the posts he makes. His grammar is fucking retarded but that doesn't give you the right to shit on his face on every post he makes.
Good one, once again, look at your fucking self.
You can't even fucking sing in rhythm, you offbeat retarded fuck.
Go die or I'll kill you myself.
I'll smash your face in until you can barely think anymore and we'll see who's retarded now.
Anyways, yeah HotKnifingHash, that is definently not how the money from the albums are circulated. It doesn't all just go to the band.
The only thing you could honestly call me is immature.
I've met Anders a few times and he and the rest of In Flames are extremely nice guys. I'm sure if you emailed them someone would get back to you. I also met Dark Tranquillity once and pretty much the same. Sundan was quiet but Stanne was very talkative and cool. They are not like American bands. Extremely approachable.
Being on the internet gives us the right to do whatever the fuck we want you idiot, that's what's cool about it.