
Well, that was funny. 11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. It doesn't sound anywhere near serious :lol:

LMAO, yeh it does seem cheesy at first glance... but he doesn't mean actually destroy/kill.. it means like, do everything in your power to humiliate, frustrate, and hurt them (not physcally) since they're not respecting you. Satanism is actually not about violence at all, though lotsa assholes think it is.

I think Satanism is the opposite of Buddhism (in a good way), but both are better than any organized relgion, because they don't force anything on you or punish you for not doing something,they just offer and encourage certain guideliens that will minimize the suffering in your life. If you combine both, with a keen mind and sense of knowing what is good/beneficial, it's actually a VERY good way to live.
Right... Metal has nothing to do with satanism, and it's weird to find someone that thinks so right here... Well, if you're here you're supposed to love that kind of music, and not to think like some idiot nun in front of a leather clad guy...

Who said I was talking about metalists? I love metal but am no satanist.

* Well now that Satanism has figured to be a very good religion, maybe I should've talked about Worshipping Satan. I've met a lot of people who are somewhere in between or some shit
I love how that satanism code thing that that one idiot posted says you can't be pretentious. The whole idea of satanism is pretentious. They just picked the most anti-christian theme they could to make a buck, because that guy that started it all probably got beasted by a minister or something. =P
Nevar, Pink Floyd > Black Metal.

Hell, while we're at it, i'll just get this out in the air. Black metal is generally actually just like, you know, kind of shit. =D
Well, the thread started with this sentence:

Some of you people must be satanists

And the only thing that we all have in common is loving metal... You have to be very cautios if you don't want to be misunderstood...
Hahaha this thread is interesting. I'm a Satanist, but I don't wish to debate and justify my beliefs with some fuckface like Joonas.

ghey thread