Great job, Glenn!
I know that I wasn't the biggest supporter of Nevermore's headlining position, but it does suck for those who were looking forward to seeing them. It also has to hurt attendance figures to a degree. However, I can't help but be ecstatic that Jorn will be playing. This makes a considerable difference in how I valued this year's lineup. Though I'll be leaving early on Friday, I now have a reason to stick around on Saturday. As for anybody complaining about Jorn being a repeat artist, I completely sympathize with you. After all, didn't he just appear like, five festivals ago with an entirely different band? That's just plain ridiculous. Lighten up, you fucks! Anyway, I'm surprised that he's headlining, but if he's giving a set of songs ranging from his career, that will keep things interesting. He's an incredible singer. I just hope his stage presence has improved from the Ark performance. You would think that he was nailed to the floor with his hands glued to the mic stand. Then again, his voice is enough to captivate an audience. Kudos, Glenn!
Stay metal. Never rust.