Saturday: New Schedule

I am fine with no replacement band. Saturday's lineup is stacked anyway...
I'm glad to hear that there is no local band replacement. Still looking toward to the show.
*The fans can now sleep in a bit longer on Saturday and enjoy a late lunch. This can only help with fatigue on Saturday evening when Marco is kicking your ass.
This definitely applies to me. While I was disappointed there was a cancellation, I am relieved to have the break, though I'll probably go to the Seventh Wonder show.
Makes total sense to me Glenn, Also, considering this last minute problem, the last thing you need on your plate is to rush around and try to get yet another band.
So we'll just say that Leaves Eyes replaced Paradox. ;)

how about let's not so i won't start crying. hahaha, it's not even a fair trade off. Paradox US performance over a band who comes everytime BG does. hahaha. ;)

but i applaud you for the Canvas Solaris nod. i think they would have been awesome addition and being Georgia natives a nice home state vibe. maybe another time they will finally make it to the big game being a true long-standing US progressive metal band.
I know these last minute cancellations suck for you - rather than stressing out more now (as u are concurrently working on next years est while you get ready for this one) I say good call. The fans need a bit of a break with the lineup already in place it is gonna be a long, exhausting, fun as always week, the crew definitely could use a break considering all their hard work, and u get to spend a bit more time enjoying your new marital bliss for a while rather than scrambling for another band. Sucks about Paradox, sucks for Paradox and the people who really wanted to see them but I am sure there will still be plenty of music and mayhem to be had.

The only other people that might not agree with your decision will be the bartenders but I have a feeling they will be seeing enough of me as it is :)
*My crew needs a breather. This is our first and last year with seven bands on the day. They work their ass off and giving them an extra hour to break and actually shower for a change...will make a world of difference in the smell backstage.

Yeah, no kidding... Hey waitaminute! :devil:

Sorry to hear about the loss of funds invested. I think you made the right decision on not replacing them this late in the game. While I was looking forward to seeing them & working with them, we are going to be busy busy busy! :headbang:
how about let's not so i won't start crying. hahaha, it's not even a fair trade off. Paradox US performance over a band who comes everytime BG does. hahaha. ;)

You know that set is a good time to catch some Zs. I have never seen Kenny G live but I cannot image it being more boring than Leave's Eyes opening for BG. I'm not sure if BG was a good show or if it was just good in comparison.
Good decision, your crew works their ass off whether 14 bands 12 bands or 13. The deserve a breather, and so do you Glenn, hopefully all will be well.

Marco and the boys ARE going to kick major ass so everyone rest up.
I love the fact that despite the fact you don't OWE anyone an explanation for your decisions, that you respect the fans of the festival so much that you come here to do it anyway. Kudos to you, Glenn, for running a quality operation and making us feel even more like we're part of the family. See you in 44 days.
Yeah, no kidding... Hey waitaminute! :devil:

Sorry to hear about the loss of funds invested. I think you made the right decision on not replacing them this late in the game. While I was looking forward to seeing them & working with them, we are going to be busy busy busy! :headbang:

Hey!! That smeell issue didn't start until.. hey J-Dub - WHAT year was it you joined the crew? :wave:
Slag shack, baby! :D

In all seriousness - Glenn - way to keep your head up and stay classy :)
Hey!! That smeell issue didn't start until.. hey J-Dub - WHAT year was it you joined the crew? :wave:
Slag shack, baby! :D

In all seriousness - Glenn - way to keep your head up and stay classy :) ;) Just keep the onions away, and everything will be ok....:devil:
Slag Shack!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil: Only the strong survive (But not the ghosts!)
Though I'm rather disappointed that I won't be seeing Paradox, they are only one of the main reasons I'm sold on this year's lineup. I understand and respect your decision, Glenn.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I certainly would have liked to see Paradox, and it sucks that they canceled (and broke up), and that the visa money was essentially lost, but with the quantity and quality of bands already packed into the show, not scheduling a replacement is definitely a reasonable decision under these circumstances. I was just talking to a couple people the other day about how this year's show was going to be a bit of a marathon. This change will certainly allow for more sleep on Saturday morning... I'll be able to get ready just in time for the Saturday Seventh Wonder show, then eat afterward, rather than have to wake up earlier to eat, then get to the venue at 1:00 and be there the rest of the day.