Saturday: New Schedule


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Gold Badge Doors- 2pm
Regular Doors- 3pm
Show (Stormwarrior)- 4pm

I have always been brutally honest with everyone so here goes....

There will be no replacment band. My rationale:

*There are still 13 bands. That remains one more than the number announced when tickets were placed on sale. If there had only been twelve bands and we lost one, I would have replaced the band.

*I lost money on the Paradox visas. I have no financial incentive to book a new band. Are there quality bands out there that would do it for free? Absolutely! However, I do not think a new opening band will sell additional tickets based on their appearance alone. Sure, this could be debated. However, I'm not willing to gamble further.

*My crew needs a breather. This is our first and last year with seven bands on the day. They work their ass off and giving them an extra hour to break and actually shower for a change...will make a world of difference in the smell backstage.

*The fans can now sleep in a bit longer on Saturday and enjoy a late lunch. This can only help with fatigue on Saturday evening when Marco is kicking your ass.

*The Seventh Wonder Gold Badge/VIP show will remain as scheduled at 1pm. This will give those attending a chance to break instead of heading straight downstairs to grab their chairs.

I do not expect everyone to agree with my decision. However, I do ask that you respect it, as I'm trying to look at the big picture.
Honesty always appreciated, but this makes sense. I don't think you need to apologize at all for an opener that disbanded, when you had already added two other bands to the roster. I for one will appreciate the chance to sleep and maybe even grab lunch :)

Steve in Philly
Thanks! Knowing how tight things are with the normal number of bands, I knew it would be REALLY tight with an extra band each night. So, the break is appreciated!

That sucks about the visas. Seems like they broke the contract and should pay for that now. I still can't believe that they decided to disband right before a huge show like this! WTF!?!?!?
As a fellow promoter, no arguments from me -- I feel the roster, even without Paradox (albeit that is a disappointment to be sure), is still one hell of a bargain. Hang in there Glenn, barely a month to go before the big weekend!
I actually whisphered a "Phew!" when I saw no replacement band. The schedule is overwhelming as it is, so a bit more breathing space is a good thing! Of course, I'm old, so I'll be tired by 8pm anyway.

Perfectly understandable.

As much as I would have liked to see Paradox or any of several of the suggestions for replacements, I am going to be dead by Saturday. Perhaps you could spin a Pure Moods disc over the PA before Stormwarrior to help the gold badge holders and VIPs catch a few more ZZz's, in lieu of Paradox's set. Instead of pillowcases for saving seats we could bring the whole pillow!

Thank you for the insight and there is no need to apologize. Like you said, there are still 13 other bands on the bill. I for one will look forward to the extra sleep and a little more time to recover from a long Friday. Thank you for all that you do and look forward to seeing you soon.

I would have been fine if Turisas wasn't going to be replaced, so I'm fine with this decision as well. To be honest, fatigue is going to set in with all of these bands and the extra time will be welcome.
The bright side to this (and probably only for me) is that the Georgia Tech game (at Kansas) starts at noon so I now should be able to watch the whole thing before the show starts. Obviously I'd rather have seen Paradox and watched the end of the game on DVR, but being able to watch the whole thing live now will be plenty of consolation :)
*The fans can now sleep in a bit longer on Saturday and enjoy a late lunch.

This is why I continue to fly year year after year to atl. Dammit, Glenn... you should be my boss!