Satyricon - The Shadowthrone

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Okay, before I begin, I know it is obviously old news. I have never had the desire to check out older Satyricon because I was always put off by their newer SHIT. I've heard that their first couple releases are good but never thought twice of it because of, once again, their newer feces-laiden material.

Anyways, this album, The Shadowthrone, is really fucking good. Great atmosphere, great composition, and I'm loving the occasional folky elements w/ acoustics, etc. Quality Black Metal the way it should be.

My question is why the fuck would Satyricon consciously go from excellent music on The Shadowthrone to utter shite like the music on Volcano and Rebel Extravaganza, etc. ??!!o_O


For some reason I like the song Fuel for Hatred, but every other song off their last two I simply despise. Anyway, Nemesis Divina is the quintessential Satyricon for me. For most its probably Dark Midieval Times, but the atmosphere on Nemesis is fanfuckingtastic IMO.
Erik said:
"Dark Medieval Times" WINS.

This is true. Almost as good as Mayhem's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" and Emperor's "In The Nightside Eclipse".

"The Shadowthrone" is pretty brilliant too, especially the tracks "Vikingland", "Dominions Of Satyricon", "In The Mist By The Hills" and "The King Of The Shadowthrone".
Erik said:
No matter how shitty Satyricon is now, when they kicked off the Wacken concert with "Walk the Path of Sorrow", 'twas rather magical really... They still played that with great fucking conviction, the atmosphere was pretty much like on the album...

I'll pick up DMT and ND in due time then if they are on par with this release.

That whole money issue sadly makes sense. Motherfuckers can't be content with just creating music that comes from the heart/soul and actually means something rather than watering/dumbing it down for the masses. Bullet to the brain.
Doomcifer said:
That whole money issue sadly makes sense. Motherfuckers can't be content with just creating music that comes from the heart/soul and actually means something rather than watering/dumbing it down for the masses. Bullet to the brain.

If you cannot agree with this statement, you are the fag. :cool:
Satyr is quite obviously SUCH a money hungry power thirsty penny pinching fear inflicting double crossing back stabbing promising eternity for a price suckin' brain washing mind raping soul stealing constant preaching salvation reaching lowest form of human fucking life... I could give you reasons but I don't feel like it. Satyricon = next to fucking Metallica in the dictionary definition of "sellout."
Erik said:
Satyr is quite obviously SUCH a money hungry power thirsty penny pinching fear inflicting double crossing back stabbing promising eternity for a price suckin' brain washing mind raping soul stealing constant preaching salvation reaching lowest form of human fucking life... I could give you reasons but I don't feel like it. Satyricon = next to fucking Metallica in the dictionary definition of "sellout."

You'd think that he made enough money from Moonfog... :erk:
Erik said:
Satyr is quite obviously SUCH a money hungry power thirsty penny pinching fear inflicting double crossing back stabbing promising eternity for a price suckin' brain washing mind raping soul stealing constant preaching salvation reaching lowest form of human fucking life... I could give you reasons but I don't feel like it. Satyricon = next to fucking Metallica in the dictionary definition of "sellout."

:OMG: :tickled:
Crimson Velvet said:
You'd think that he made enough money from Moonfog... :erk:

According to the Norwegian tax lists from 2002, he didn't earn more than 300 000 NOK (about $ 40 000). However, that was before the release of Volcano and the Satyricon/Nocturno gigs. He probably earned more in 2003 and 2004, but those tax lists aren't available anymore, due to the new laws.

Satyr's income in 2002
Cashhammer? He earned close to nothing. Fenriz actually had a very decent income, however. I guess most of those were listed with a higer income in both 2003 and 2004, considering the 2002 lists were far from accurate. I wish the 2004 lists were still up.