Savage 120 vs Peavey 6505

the forsaken also use them. if you don't know them (likely), check em out! kickass melodic death band from sweden....well, more death than melodic actually :D :D :D

as for the 5150 vs engl.....
you want shitty, processed, thin, lifeless tone? get an engl
you want thick, articulate, CRUSHING metal tone? get the 5150

your best bet is to test them, because this is highly subjective.
and Fragle is known to be an ENGL-hater anyway :D :D :wave:

I can also give you a list of albums that were done with Savage 120 (I think you know enough albums that were recorded with 5150/6505) as soon as that DAMN website agrees to open :yuk:
Hexer said:
your best bet is to test them, because this is highly subjective.
and Fragle is known to be an ENGL-hater anyway :D :D :wave:

I can also give you a list of albums that were done with Savage 120 (I think you know enough albums that were recorded with 5150/6505) as soon as that DAMN website agrees to open :yuk:

And you the 5150 hater :p
I have one question. What is the difference between 6505 and 5150? I'm thinking of getting a new amp but I'm a bit confused.
guitarguru777 said:
And you the 5150 hater :p

hey, I dont hate it, I dont know it good enough to hate it. I really want to take some time with one to test it, but I just cant find one in stores here..... dunno why they dont stock them over here....

I tested one ages ago and didnt like it at all, but that was way back when I didnt know how to properly setup an amp

so I'm much more of an ENGL-lover than a 5150-hater, but I know that the ENGL-sound isnt for everyone. same goes for Mesa Rectumfrier :)grin: sorry, I'm NOT a Mesa-hater, I actually like the triple-rec pretty much) or 5150/6505

wicked_s: from everything I've read about those amps, 5150 and 6505 are supposed to be pretty much exactly the same
"hey, I dont hate it, I dont know it good enough to hate it. I really want to take some time with one to test it, but I just cant find one in stores here..... dunno why they dont stock them over here...."
you can borrow mine for a few days if you want. just don't smash it or i'd have to kill ya ;)
you really gotta work with this amp...different tubes, OD pedals, and stuff.....i can honestly say that if i just went into a store and tried this very 5150 i don't see how i could like it anywhere near as much as i do now.

or well, just come to our next show and hear it for yourself :D :D :D i can say this: last week we had a band rehearsal...jörg used the jmp1/ el34 100:100 rack setup that always used to be kind of a sound reference for me....pretty much the perfect thrash metal rhythm tone.
my tone CRUSHED his. for the first time ever. even my jcm800 didn't sound as good.
the 5150 sounds thick, with good mids, sizzly but not piercing treble, and a full bottom end that's not overpowering. that's with pretty much all controls at noon.

as for engl.....i'm not following any hype here. last year i bought a blackmore, and sold it to get a 5150. best gear related decision i've ever done, even though LOTSA internet folks told me the opposite..."duuude, don't do that, the blackmore rips the 5150 a new one"....BS!
having that said, i kinda wish i still had an engl.....i didn't really experiment a lot with different tubes...mine was loaded with stock engl tubes both pre and poweramp.......when i first got my 5150 it still had the old peavey preamp tubes....emphasis on OLD. sounded like shit. nowadays there's an EH 12ax7 in v1, and it's superglued there forever tube there is
yeah, new tubes DO make a difference, I just completely retubed my Powerball, too (and also had it updated to V2 shortly before). gotta take some time to tweak it now. and a few rehearsal-sessions to really adjust it to a band-situation (we're working on finding a new bassist and drummer right now)
have 2 JJs and 2 EHs in there now, might do some swapping around with those though.

do you guys play anywhere in the closer area anytime soon?
no, not at all :D :D :D
next gig: 18.3. in switzerland.....then early may in australia.....and the next one sometime in november....

dude, you wanna check out iced earth in april? me and a few friends of mine are either going to stuttgart or munich....april 13/15. in flames = Kickass

war gestern abend in helmstadt auf justice....schwuler faschingsgig eh....die 2. runde ham se nur richtig schwule 80er jahre mukke gespielt....bon jovi und co. yngwie's rising force ham se gemacht (und das solo auch gut hingekriegt erstaunlicherweise), sowie here i go again von whitesnake,sonst echt nur kacke. naja wofür gibts die bar :D :D :D bin irgendwann heut früh in meinem auto aufgewacht, eh sowas von arschkalt das glaubst du garnet, neben mir hatt ich ne flasche wasser (aspirin *G*) die war halber zugefroren, rechne dirs selber aus....funny thing is dass ich keinen plan hab wie und wann ich ans auto bin ;)
now what has In Flames to do with it? are they both there? (Iced Earth and In Flames)

sounds cool, I think I'm interested :)

*g* scheint ja ein spassiger abend gewesen zu sein, hab gestern irgendwie gar nix interessantes gefunden zum hingehn
oh yeah, heres that list I was talking about:

Evildoer - Terror Audio (Engl Savage 120)
Darkane - Layer of Lies (Savage 120)
Ritchie Blackmores Rainbow "Stranger In Us All" (Savage 120)
Chimaira's latest self-titled album (Powerball and Savage 120 (and a bit of 5150 as far as I know))
Primal Fear (use Savage 120 in studio, e530 Preamp live)
Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin (Savage 120 and a bit of 5150, actually someone wrote that this was info from Andy)

there are definitally more albums with Savage 120 on it

PS: that list is taken from a thread at so if anythings wrong in that list: correct it!
if you're interested in what ENGL-amps are used by what bands live or on recordings, here is the thread:
"now what has In Flames to do with it? are they both there? (Iced Earth and In Flames)"
oh fuggit.....i was talking about in flames.
shit like that happens if you're iced earth is one of my alltime fave bands....schaffers tone just got me hooked, it's like a physical and mental addiction LOL...

primal fear are engl users, huh? their last two records sounded alright....although i'm not really into their music. appears to be germany's judas priest ripoff...quite lame IMHO.

you wanna know the difference between a 5150 and an engl?
when i still had my engl the soundmen were always giving me shit about how my tone is rather thin and bright in contrast to my usual marshall setup.
now with my 5150 they're telling me it's twice as thick and basically just a lot HEAVIER \m/ than the marshall :D :D :D
i was tweaking my ASS off with the engl...the 5150 is just plug and play (ok, now that i've messed with a few tubes and stuff)....all knobs at noon, and i'm set.
lol, all they are telling me is: "can you please turn down the volume a bit??" LOL :D
but hey: a few of those gigs we have played didnt even have sound-guys ;)

btw: I think with the new tubes, the Powerball actually sounds a little more Rectifierish now... gotta tweak it some more to get the best out of it I guess, but i like it :)
mh, interesting. i've yet to be told to turn down.....well, by a soundguy, that is. all in all, i got told exactly ONCE to turn the volume my other guitar player. and guess what, it was the first gig which featured my 5150 :D :D :D
needless to say, i turned down for line check, and turned back up during the first song....fuck you :p
how loud do you play at your average gig? i guess you know what most of our gigs are like....i mean, playing the summer breeze or party.san open air is pretty much open end as far as volume is concerned. when i played the party.san my marshall was wide 6-7 on the master IIRC.
for normal sized club gigs around 200 people, i tend to have the master (both on the 5150 and the jcm800) around 4 (11:00). seems to be a reasonable volume....
it really depends... in rehearsals master volume used to be at around 10-11 o clock i'd say (with the channel-volume somewhere around the same position) and for gigs, well, whatever is needed....
on the UFTG-festival I realised a little too late, that I was to loud..... nearly overpowered the drums on my site of the stage, and I also wasnt able to move back a few steps to hear the drums better, as I have to stay at the mic most of the time (for some things, being both guitarrist and lead-vocalist sucks lol)
I just though: well, kinda big festival with kinda big stage, should be able to handle some volume (I think the volume knob was around 12 oclock or a little higher there) I guess I just lack experience with bigger stages:yuk:

btw: sorry for kinda hijacking the whole thread!!:worship: