ok, actually back on topic
i NEVER really understood all the talk about the engl blackmore basically being a better 5150. those two amps aren't similar AT ALL to my ears.
the 5150 NEVER is thin, harsh yes, if dialed in wrong, but not thin. the engl on the other hand always had a very bright sound no matter how low i had the treble set - don'T even talk about the presence, i kept it off all the time.
i also keep hearing comments about the blackmore having 5150 style midrange punch - BS. i had them here side by side for a few days. in order to keep up with the 5150's mids set around noon, the engl had to have the mids CRANKED, and even then something was missing, definitely a different frequency range that's covered here.
the most noticable thing about the both amps however is the bottom end. the blackmore (and therefore the savage) isn't anywhere close to fire/powerball style bass levels. the 5150 is. when i still had my blackmore i used to have the bass almost cranked, just like i do with my marshall. the marshall actually has more bottom end punch, let alone the 5150.
sorry for always bringing up the blackmore here but thats the amp i used to own, and iirc it's basically a stripped down savage 120, so there should be SOME degree of similarity.
i really had high hopes for the engl, with all the internet talk being that it's basically a modern hotrodded marshall - exactly what i'm after. i hate to say that this isn't even true in the slightest.
marshall: not a lot of bottom end, but tight, LOTS of mids no matter how you set the mid EQ
, bright and smooth highs largely depending on the choice of tubes. not a lot of gain usually
reference - anything 80s

engl: also very tight, but kinda short on the bottom end, SCOOPED sounding no matter what even with the mid boost = contour engaged, bright sizzly highs. i think this amp would sound great if it packed more midrange punch.
maybe an EQ in the loop would help this amp a great deal
reference - mh...severed savior, hate eternal, although they use engl racks or powerballs.
peavey: now we're talking about hotrodded marshall sounds....it can do the whole death metal thing straight out of the box VERY well, but also thrash metal - why do you think andy sneap used it for the latest kreator disc?
lotsa lows on tap, although not as tight as the engl or the marshall (nowhere near rectifier levels of flub of course
), can get pretty scooped but also very midrange rich, close to a marshall but not quite as honky - i bet v30 or other midrangey speakers would push it right there, also sizzly highs that can be tamed somewhat without going into the extremes with the EQ settings.
reference - kreator: enemy of god, as well as the whole swedish thing, also the haunted
i NEVER really understood all the talk about the engl blackmore basically being a better 5150. those two amps aren't similar AT ALL to my ears.
the 5150 NEVER is thin, harsh yes, if dialed in wrong, but not thin. the engl on the other hand always had a very bright sound no matter how low i had the treble set - don'T even talk about the presence, i kept it off all the time.
i also keep hearing comments about the blackmore having 5150 style midrange punch - BS. i had them here side by side for a few days. in order to keep up with the 5150's mids set around noon, the engl had to have the mids CRANKED, and even then something was missing, definitely a different frequency range that's covered here.
the most noticable thing about the both amps however is the bottom end. the blackmore (and therefore the savage) isn't anywhere close to fire/powerball style bass levels. the 5150 is. when i still had my blackmore i used to have the bass almost cranked, just like i do with my marshall. the marshall actually has more bottom end punch, let alone the 5150.
sorry for always bringing up the blackmore here but thats the amp i used to own, and iirc it's basically a stripped down savage 120, so there should be SOME degree of similarity.
i really had high hopes for the engl, with all the internet talk being that it's basically a modern hotrodded marshall - exactly what i'm after. i hate to say that this isn't even true in the slightest.
marshall: not a lot of bottom end, but tight, LOTS of mids no matter how you set the mid EQ

reference - anything 80s

engl: also very tight, but kinda short on the bottom end, SCOOPED sounding no matter what even with the mid boost = contour engaged, bright sizzly highs. i think this amp would sound great if it packed more midrange punch.
maybe an EQ in the loop would help this amp a great deal
reference - mh...severed savior, hate eternal, although they use engl racks or powerballs.
peavey: now we're talking about hotrodded marshall sounds....it can do the whole death metal thing straight out of the box VERY well, but also thrash metal - why do you think andy sneap used it for the latest kreator disc?
lotsa lows on tap, although not as tight as the engl or the marshall (nowhere near rectifier levels of flub of course

reference - kreator: enemy of god, as well as the whole swedish thing, also the haunted