Savatage last night...


Vocalist - Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Mystic, CT
What a lousy show! I got there and had to listen to 3 bands who sucked big time before Fates Warning even got to the stage.. at 10:00!

They kicked ass though... man I gotta get me some of thier CD's. Their singer is awesome!

Then Savatage had some technical difficulites and didn't get into stage until around midnight.... And the opening theatrical score started skipping in the CD player!!!! God how embarrassing!

Thier new has a fantastic voice, but his stage presense didn't match Savatage at all (IMO). He was all Poison/Motley like, spending his time twirling his hair around and head banging.... Not that that is bad, it just didn't seem to match the style of 'Tage...

And the new guitarist sucked I thought,,, plus he looks EXACTLY like the missing link!

I left very disappointed at 1:00 and didn't get home until 2...

At least I got a cool shirt!

Yeah he sang quite a bit. They sounded great, and the new singer is REALLY good. I think the tech stuff was just bad fucking luck....

But maybe I was expecting to see quite a different type of stage show from them. Fates Warning was just laid back and 'professional' looking. The music itself was center-stage. They were, well....... cool. I expected to see something similar and was surprised to see more of a 80's hairband performance..... :(
Man that sucks Jim. There's nothing worse than being let down at a show.

The last time the Galactic Cowboys were here they played at a place called the Graffitti lounge (now closed). I happen to know the sound crew there, and the guy working the board that night was thier worst. He's a real fucknut we have nicknamed "Deaf Jeff" for obvious reasons. He screwed up thier soundcheck so badly that they didnt get on stage until thier time was nearly over. They played maybe five songs. They were so pissed I thought they were gonna throw Deaf Jeff off of the balcony. It was GC's last show here, and I really was disappointed that they didn't even get to play a full set. (They're broke up now)

So in other words, I feel your pain. :(