" Save KillerGon thread "

Do you want killergon back to the forum ?

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War_Blade said:
they must have done an IP ban because gonzo would have just made another account.
ok....he can just call his ISP and ask to change his IP....
yea.well the point is its not hard to get around
well,it would be for this forum because im pretty sure some tard would make a welcome back gonzo thread and give his new name out so poeple know its him
The Nerevarine said:
Dude, you are such a fag... flaming him now that he is banned... what a pussy :mad:
You figured me out. I was afraid of what he would do If I flamed him while he was here. Good thing he isnt so I am free.

Strangly enough, the worst thing Gonzo could have done to me if I flammed him was post a terribly unfunny comeback and have you fucks go "L0L + 1337!". Its not like I was holding back incase he decided to come here and kick my ass.

newsflash, you are a fucking tard. Wait...maybe I should save that for when you are banned, for I am afraid of what may happen if I upset you.

The only fear I have of Gonzo being banned is that you fools cry so much it floods the world. Suck my dong.