Save the planet!!! Stop global warming!!!

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Well I find this thread appropriate considering the crisis we're confronting nowadays, and also because Bork has always had a deep relation with Nature and related topics.

I want to know what YOU do in order to help the planet.

I recicle.

I plant trees.

I don't waste much time and water in the shower.

It'd be very interesting to know the views of you guys here, and maybe even Erik will answer :p:headbang:.

Anyway, as mighty Empyrium once said:

I don't waste much time and water in the shower.

hehe, that's why you don't smell very good.
Just kidding...

Well... I think this is a nice thread. I guess I'm capable of helping the my (future) grandchilds to have a healthy life :)
I live in Ireland, recycling here is a joke.

How come?

Zephyrus said:
I'm a Democrat.

Which do you think is the best of the 2 Dem. candidates? I believe Obama is a joke and Clinton...well, corrupt, but wiser at least.

Netin said:
hehe, that's why you don't smell very good.
Just kidding...

Well... I think this is a nice thread. I guess I'm capable of helping the my (future) grandchilds to have a healthy life

Haha well when I was in Europe I didn't take a bath for like 2 weeks, and an old lady who shared the room with me and my sister at the hostel complained about a certain smell... *cof cof*.

I'm glad you like the thread :), i like it too :p.
Naa about as far South as you can go! :lol:

Northern Ireland isn't even owned by Ireland

Great :headbang: . You shall try to incite other people to recycle more ye know? :kickass:

darcy said:
I listen to Vintersorg.

Well that certainly helps the planet a lot :). Hmmm I wonder which is the band that talks the most about "saving the planet" and stuff like that?
^ Yeah I know that is usually the case everywhere in the world.

You know, I believe that the planet and humanity still have a chance, but major changes will only definitely happen when this "young people" (like us :) ) are in "control" of the world.

But the question is, will it be too late?

Lets hope not... .

PS: god our poor grandchildren..., I wonder in which type of world will they have to live in....

PS1: Has anybody seen the movie "Sharkwater?"
I don't remember very well their last albums, but I remember my friend back home bought whatever the first two were, and he's like "man, you gotta listen to this band, it's so good, it's all about the environment." While he hitched a ride to my place back home, I picked up a Metal Maniacs (this was in the mid-1990s, mind you) and was reading this interview, like 2 page interview, about their beliefs, about the environment, how they only had monogamous relationships and didn't eat meat. I'm like, hmm, these guys sounds like they have a lot of character. Like a heavy metal Propagandhi!

Well, they fucking sucked. I can't really remember if they got any better, but Gammorah's Season's End was a total piece of shit. Maybe I was too young, being an itty bitty teenager, but I suggest you be a pirate and download a couple of songs before buying their albums, cuz they're an acquired taste, to say the least.