Saw Gamma Ray and Masterplan last night


Thinking is overrated
Dec 28, 2002
Costa Rica
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What an awesome concert!!! My ears are still ringing and I can barely speak, it was incredible. Masterplan rocked, Jorn Lande is one of the best metal vocalists in the world, no doubt. They played really cool covers of Man on the Silver Mountain and Helloween's The Chance and The Departed.

Gamm Ray was impressive, too bad they didn't play a longer set (about 2 hours), Rebellion in Dreamland, Beyond the Black Hole, Send me a Sign, etc etc etc... Kai is a great frontman, and the band played really tight. Dan´s solo in the middle of the show was out of this world. Just awesome, best concert of the year IMO.
That is so awesome. I wish I can see those two bands play here in America. "The Departed" is one of my favorite Helloween songs from the Andi Deris era and I know Helloween will never play it again so I must see Masterplan. Did Gamma Ray do their usual 1 or 2 Helloween songs? I have Gamma Ray's latest double disc live cd and it is phenominal. They killed on Helloween's "Victim Of Fate".
Also I am going to see Helloween January 15 at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ. I cannot wait.
Gamma Ray played Future World and I Want Out, too bad they didn't play Victim of Fate, that would have been awesome. The Helloween show will be great, they were here about 2 months ago and it rocked, great concert.