Saw Maiden last night (setlist spoiler)

Good on Maiden. What a band. Untouchable. Again, they do something totally awesome. Wish I'd got tickets for this tour. *smacks self in head*

NFU. What a miserable sod. Again, posting an opinion disguised as gospel truth superior to others'. I guess it must be his intention to irritate. Come on, mods. Make this forum a better place.
evildave said:
Good on Maiden. What a band. Untouchable. Again, they do something totally awesome. Wish I'd got tickets for this tour. *smacks self in head*

NFU. What a miserable sod. Again, posting an opinion disguised as gospel truth superior to others'. I guess it must be his intention to irritate. Come on, mods. Make this forum a better place.

you think getting rid of me will make this forum better and/or more interesting? you couldnt be more wrong.
evildave said:
Certainly better. The interest level would be unaffected.

Yeah? What's your theory?

the droves of people who continue to say "NFU is one of the few reasons i keep coming here". or the people who still ask for my advice on a regular basis. or the people who laugh at jokes. or better yet...the people who also enjoy debating/arguing back with me. period.

you post once a month, your finger is hardly on the pulse of what really goes on here and why. get used to it.
NineFeetUnderground said:
better yet...the people who also enjoy debating/arguing back with me. period.

your debating style usually revolves around mentioning male genitalia in the face and being "retarded".

way to go.

im not saying you dont contribute, but dude seriously...sometimes...grow up.
Kir-ir-Bannog said:
your debating style usually revolves around mentioning male genitalia in the face and being "retarded".

way to go.

im not saying you dont contribute, but dude seriously...sometimes...grow up.

youd rather i actually say truly hurtful things? thats not what im about. some of you have such tunnel vision...its astounding...
The funny thing is, those of you that are posting trying to tell NFU to shut up, or ask to get him banned, etc, etc, are making posts just as useless and irritating as you claim his are.

(this post is also off-topic and pointless, but nevertheless)

the droves of people who continue to say "NFU is one of the few reasons i keep coming here". or the people who still ask for my advice on a regular basis. or the people who laugh at jokes. or better yet...the people who also enjoy debating/arguing back with me. period.


you post once a month, your finger is hardly on the pulse of what really goes on here and why. get used to it.

I read here every day. I only post if I have something to contribute.

What I'm saying is this: very often you pass off some opinion as fact or ridicule other's reasonable posts. And that's just crap behaviour.
evildave said:


I read here every day. I only post if I have something to contribute.

What I'm saying is this: very often you pass off some opinion as fact or ridicule other's reasonable posts. And that's just crap behaviour.

not "bizarre". try "fact".

and of course its crap behavior, ftlog...did i ever say i was well behaved, or polite, or even entirely reasonable most of the time? all ive ever defended is that im not purely a "troll". any of you who truly pay attention know this. and THAT is why im still around.
I'm not saying it's not fact, I'm saying it's bizarre. I think it's bizarre, you see.

Well, at least you admit your crap behaviour. Fair play to that, anyway.
NFU is a weretroll tbh. About half the time he spends giving decent music recommendations and information, and the other half of the time he spends his time trolling threads to get the reactions he desires so he can unleash his witty remarks upon the foolish victim caught in his deadly web of provocation.
Kir-ir-Bannog said:
your debating style usually revolves around mentioning male genitalia in the face and being "retarded".

stfu retard before i stick my dick in your mouth and my balls in your nostils
If Bruce Bruce wasn't always buying frivolous crap like 757's, perhaps he wouldn't be so hard up for money that he and the rest of Maiden always have to take their geriatric craptacular on the road every year. Why would ANYONE want to pay Maiden prices to see a bunch of dried up old women play their shitty new songs?
My Man Mahmoud said:
If Bruce Bruce wasn't always buying frivolous crap like 757's, perhaps he wouldn't be so hard up for money that he and the rest of Maiden always have to take their geriatric craptacular on the road every year. Why would ANYONE want to pay Maiden prices to see a bunch of dried up old women play their shitty new songs?

More like Badmood...