Just saw The Mars Volta play last night..

Was there also for TMV, sitting upstairs (bought ticket late, and this was all could get), and it sounded fantastic. I wondered how well they'd translate, and was damn well impressed by the improvs/alterations to most songs. And as you said, drummer was different, but you gotta love such high-energy playing.

Where the hell was our encore though?!
TMV really disappointed me when I saw them at a festival over the summer. I paid $65 to see THEM and after 20 minutes they left the stage. Cedric killed the mood of the show after the first song by going on this anti-moshing rant, which led to a few people booing them and then throwing a few bottles on stage. After some technical problems and a few more insults from Cedric, the band left the stage. Afterwards, the radio station who sponsored the event said TMV were nothing but complete assholes backstage and acted like they just didn't want to be there. I still like the bands music but this 'performance' left a very sour taste in my mouth. Fucking rockstars.
TMV really disappointed me when I saw them at a festival over the summer. I paid $65 to see THEM and after 20 minutes they left the stage. Cedric killed the mood of the show after the first song by going on this anti-moshing rant, which led to a few people booing them and then throwing a few bottles on stage. After some technical problems and a few more insults from Cedric, the band left the stage. Afterwards, the radio station who sponsored the event said TMV were nothing but complete assholes backstage and acted like they just didn't want to be there. I still like the bands music but this 'performance' left a very sour taste in my mouth. Fucking rockstars.

you mean the show with Red Hot Chili Peppers where they had a bottle of urine thrown at them? or is this another show? a bunch of senseless retard teeny bopper Red Hot Chili Peppers fans moshing to Mars Volta songs and you think it's Cedric who killed the mood? what mood was that? "OMG LOL WE'RE AT A CONCERT LOL I THINK I HEAR NOISE TIME TO START BOUNCING INTO PEOPLE. I SAW PEOPLE DOING IT ON TV." what an incredible mood he killed. then bottles thrown at them and booing from a crowd in which TMV's music goes way over their heads. I wouldn't stand up there like performing monkeys and perform an uninspired show for kids who don't get the music either. they aren't puppets. I'm glad they walked off stage, away from a crowd that doesn't get them, hears music instead of listens to music, and obviously didn't want to see them play anyway. shame on you TMV for having dignity!
you mean the show with Red Hot Chili Peppers where they had a bottle of urine thrown at them? or is this another show? a bunch of senseless retard teeny bopper Red Hot Chili Peppers fans moshing to Mars Volta songs and you think it's Cedric who killed the mood? what mood was that? "OMG LOL WE'RE AT A CONCERT LOL I THINK I HEAR NOISE TIME TO START BOUNCING INTO PEOPLE. I SAW PEOPLE DOING IT ON TV." what an incredible mood he killed. then bottles thrown at them and booing from a crowd in which TMV's music goes way over their heads. I wouldn't stand up there like performing monkeys and perform an uninspired show for kids who don't get the music either. they aren't puppets. I'm glad they walked off stage, away from a crowd that doesn't get them, hears music instead of listens to music, and obviously didn't want to see them play anyway. shame on you TMV for having dignity!

It wasn't urine, that was proven. The crowd was actually really tame and only 20 people or so were actually moshing. Btw, ITS A FESTIVAL so TMV can't expect the crowd to act like their regular fans do and not mosh. I've been to countless festivals and theirs always a little moshing that ensues at one time or another. TMV were also a late addition to the festival so most of their fans were in the stands (like me). I think TMV should stop playing festivals and just cater to their own fanbase.
I saw them live once, but I don't remember what I honestly thought. I think that I was impressed and bored at the same time. So I'm not sure if I liked it or not. I remember at least at one point thinking, they are just playing whatever and they don't even sound in key.
i'd be more impressed if they paid more attention on hitting the notes, rather than trying to throw thousands of effects on