Saw movie series.

I think they're fucking stupid and suck major retard cocks.

I saw the first one in theaters and thought it sucked, although that chick from Con-Air was in it and I would like to have sexual relations with her. I saw the forth one several months ago and was bored shitless by it. Same fucking shit as the first one; person's going to die, faggot on a tricycle likes to play games, blah blah blah.

They did a good job of making a lot of money from such a small budget but honestly, I think their time has passed. They're dragging out the franchise a little too much.

So no, I don't love the Saw series and if I were to pick a song, it would be Believe in Nothing because it's Will's favorite song.
I liked the first Saw movie. That's about it. Saw (hah) the second one and thought it sucked, missed the third one, and apparently saw the fourth one. I remember going to see it, but I don't remember the movie itself :lol:

Us Steves are equally fucked in the head. Except he slaps livers and I slap my nuts.



I seriously just watch the movie for the new ways to torture people, it's awesome. That device where it turns each limb in a 180 degree motion very slowly has got to be the coolest. aHHHH YES!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
I think they're fucking stupid and suck major retard cocks.

I saw the first one in theaters and thought it sucked, although that chick from Con-Air was in it and I would like to have sexual relations with her. I saw the forth one several months ago and was bored shitless by it. Same fucking shit as the first one; person's going to die, faggot on a tricycle likes to play games, blah blah blah.

They did a good job of making a lot of money from such a small budget but honestly, I think their time has passed. They're dragging out the franchise a little too much.

So no, I don't love the Saw series and if I were to pick a song, it would be Believe in Nothing because it's Will's favorite song.

My name is Josh and I approve of this message.