Saw Mudvayne, In Flames, Depswa, and Grade 8 last night...


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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In my opinion, here is how each band was:
*Grade 8-Sound was terrible, too much snare and kick drum and not enough vocals and guitar. Sound like a Soil, Drowning Pool "wannabee" to me. They sucked.
*Depswa-Same Shitty sound problems. I don't know how to describe this band other than that they SUCKED.
*In Flames-Great sound. Kick ass live. I was only familiar with a few of ther songs, but now I'm a fan. Great guitar melodies along the lines of Carcass and Iron Maiden.
*Mudvayne- Only like one or two of their songs, but I was impressed by there live show. I'm not a fan, but I was impressed with them live.

*In conclusion- In flames KICKED ASS
never seen in flames live:cry:, but yeah i gotta give mudvayne some credit. they kicked arsh at ozzfest...good bassist
I haven't really been able to get into In Flames I like one of their songs, my husband plays it ALOT, I as well only like certain songs from MudVayne. Sounds like an awesome concerto.
Last Time I Was At A Concert
I Got Drenched In Fake Cum
I Got Drenched In Real Cum
I Got Drenched In Lighter Fluid
I Almost Caught On Fire
I Kept Getting Poked In The Eyes With Still Wrapped Condoms
I Saw A Lot Of Guys In Skirts Flashing Me
I Saw A Lot Of Girls In Skirts Flashing Me
And After I Got Totaly Wasted I Got Gang Banged By A Bunch Of Strangers That Hang Out With My Freinds
Last Time I Was At A Concert
I Got Drenched In Fake Cum
I Got Drenched In Real Cum
I Got Drenched In Lighter Fluid
I Almost Caught On Fire
I Kept Getting Poked In The Eyes With Still Wrapped Condoms
I Saw A Lot Of Guys In Skirts Flashing Me
I Saw A Lot Of Girls In Skirts Flashing Me
And After I Got Totaly Wasted I Got Gang Banged By A Bunch Of Strangers That Hang Out With My Freinds

ha ha ha....burn on you
Oh Just In Case Any Body Actualy Cares The Band Was Impotent Sea Snakes

ive had the misfortune of seeing them twice, the first time was back in 2000 for The Misfits 25th Anniversary Tour. after that, i was like, i hope i never see that shit ever again. the second time was this past new years. Stuck Mojo plays a show once a year now in atlanta for new years and the venue is owned by one of them so they "inserted" themselves onto the bill. i was half drunk by the time they went on so i didnt care as much and they were handing out lots of free Jager and at midnight, lots of free champagne. all the free liquor got a thumbs up from me. one of their stage characters tried to get me on stage and spank my ass w/ a paddle. the really weird part was the "nurse" sticking herself w/ all those needles. yeech. what was really funny was that i knew one of their stage characters. she works at a liquor store near my house.
"I'm from KY, what makes you think I kood spel!" --Me

HA! HA! Very funny "MOTHER FUCKER". I, and others here, are from KY (KENTUCKY) and most of us spell just fine. I must be able to spell because I have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. I'm sure I acheived this by being a "bad speller". Therefore, bad generalization and stereotype. If you are just kidding, then fine.
ZANEX said:
"I'm from KY, what makes you think I kood spel!" --Me

HA! HA! Very funny "MOTHER FUCKER". I, and others here, are from KY (KENTUCKY) and most of us spell just fine. I must be able to spell because I have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. I'm sure I acheived this by being a "bad speller". Therefore, bad generalization and stereotype. If you are just kidding, then fine.

No, I am not kidding. Well, yeah I am joking in a way. I am a poor speller most of the time, because I rush to much. However, I was using the fact that I am from KY to cover it up. Kind of like the hillbilly bushit I have to listen to because I am from KY. Move away from there for a month or two and you will see it too though.

Ledmag, if every stopped flaming me because I support the war I might still be nice and just joke with people.