Saxon pics


Sep 9, 2002
Hyde, Manchester
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I've finally managed to put my pics of Saxon in Berlin (01/10/05) onto my PC! Better late than never, eh? They are only off my mobile, so aren't very good...but what the heck!

Spoke too soon - my links don't work!! :cry: :erk: Will probably be another 4 months before I learn how to post 'em on here! :lol:
valanx said:
Try this place upload your pics there and then copy the IMG link and paste it into your post.


Thanks Valanx, I will give that a go...but as you have no doubt sussed out by now, neither me nor Paxoman are exactly on the ball with this computer lark!! :lol: It's only thanks to you that I can go on my own computer and write this :) You're a star! :worship: :worship:
Excellent! nice one Sammi !!

great pics, thanks for sharing them with us!!!

Dont worry i wont tell paxo, its not like he ever comes here or anything!

valanx said:
Excellent! nice one Sammi !!

great pics, thanks for sharing them with us!!!

Dont worry i wont tell paxo, its not like he ever comes here or anything!


Nah, Paxoman never comes on here, so I think my secret is safe :lol: Those pics were only taken on my mobile, so I'm quite impressed with the quality myself :) I particularly like the one of Nibbs "in action"..Mmmmmmm! ;)
Sammi951 said:
I particularly like the one of Nibbs "in action"..Mmmmmmm! ;)

Yeah great pics Sammi - so is Nibbs your favourite member of Saxon then. Yip he is very Mmmmmmmmmm :D!!!!!!

I got quite a good one of him in action in Edinburgh looking all hot and sticky and sweaty - I don't ever think I posted them here - will stick it on here as soon as I can remember how to do it - yes I too am thick as mince when it comes to all things computery.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Yeah great pics Sammi - so is Nibbs your favourite member of Saxon then. Yip he is very Mmmmmmmmmm :D!!!!!!/quote]

Oh aye!! I have to be sad and admit that I do have that pic of Nibbs as my screensaver on my phone (only for it's artistic nature, of course!! ahem) and I did make a right numpty of myself when I spoke to him on the phone, I went all daft and gushy (he probably thought I was a right fruit, who'd been let out for the day! lol) I do like Biff and Doug as well though...must be the long hair/guitar thing they all have going on that appeals to me! ;)
WILKS said:
Nice pics sammi.Glad there none of pax in the bath:lol:

I would have Wilks, but I was doubled up with laughter, it was all I could do to stop me from peeing myself, never mind take a pic! :lol: If it happens again, I won't miss the golden opportunity though... :D