say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Many suns ago my guitar teach used a lot of this guys work in my lessons, being young I really did'nt quite take it all in, but have gone back in the past couple years and have a whole new appreciation.

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They are a great live band but I hate the new album and the prog fest they've become. That was the only redeemable track on it, and this is coming from a guy who hates black metal Enslaved and thinks Isa is one of the best albums ever made.

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Lazarus AD - Beneath the waves of hatred
I'm seriously so disappointed, these guys had a great debut, metal blade contract, a ton of great tours and are so set up for success yet I have a feeling this album will bomb. It feels like they experimented for pop success (far more groove, dropped tunings, clean vocals in some parts like metallica, less emphasis on thrash and brutality, pop hooks) yet it did not work at all. I don't mind experimentation and I definitely don't mind not sticking 100% to thrash (I am in a band that has synth on 3 thrash songs and melodies haha) but it feels like they did it to try to break through with their second and have a huge hit but it just failed miserably. This is the only truely amazing song on the CD along with the first one I think (they tried being poppy here and it works) while all the others plod along and while listening I honestly didn't even notice the album had ended. 2 greats and an album full of filler, quite a shame.
^ jesus that is fucking terrible.
you want old school dm then start with................


(modern spin on old school dm)

and this band rulez

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Obviously, Abysmal Grief is doom...
Immolation, Gorguts, and Suffocation are absolutely classic though.

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ultimate laundry soundtrack :kickass:
Vehemence rules. I can't wait to see what they put out now that they're back.

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^It's posts like this that make me feel like a total metal retard. I can't believe I've never heard of these guys. That shit is fucking crazy fast. I just pooped a little.

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