say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

:lol: wow. That stuff is awful. *not in regards to ahab, that other... screamo, whatever the fuck it is.

This is what Real Men listen to:
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ruined again by repetitive annoying chick vocals! hows about you go make me a sammich and leave the singing to the men, sweatheart :)

i think i need some manly vocals to wash my ears out

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Enslaved are not what they used to be. I was never a big fan their vocals, either.

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denmark is surrounded on all sides by high-output metal countries and yet all they offer is silly electro-pop :(

In Flames - Behind Space (Lunar Strain version)
busy and hardworkin this week, so i ate some painkillers :dopey: and am rockin Mechanical Animals by that ole loveable freak Marilyn Manson :zombie:

album was made for opiates