say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

^ pretty good. I like them. The riff at 1:41 - 2:00 before it starts changing is a near rip off of Rush - Anthem's "Chorus riff."

Check it repeats a couple more times in the song.

I didn't catch that initially, but yeah you're right!

that is apparently called FULLOFSHIT, where did you learn this 'funfact' hmm?

this band is pretty rockin tho

An excerpt from the Blabbermouth article (

"KVELERTAK's self-titled debut album, was released June 21, 2010 via Indie Recordings and continues to receive rave reviews from mainstream media and metal web sites alike for its unique TURBONEGRO/black metal/punk/classic rock/blues elements."
Thanks for getting me into this Omnium Gatherum album dudes. I thought it sucked at first...but it does have some decent melodies that WORK and work because not everything nowadays has to have no hooks.

thanks me, im the one who pushed it here. it's a fucking sick album with tons of fucking feel in the music. the melodies throughout are just plain awesome. the second half of the last song, forget the name now for some reason, is amazingly fulfilling to listen to. the album has so much hope to it, but also some really dark moments...especially if you contrast the music and lyrics. its the best thing ive heard this year. keep listening it only gets better.
Yeah I finally checked it out myself. Listened once last night and starting round 2 now. All I can think to say so far is that I'm really, really glad someone is finally doing it right again. This stuff is awesome.

edit: The last half of The Infinite Mind is some of the most epic shit I've heard in years.
@Whitebeast: at first I thought "Hmm, could be interesting" and then the vocals hit--et tu Froggy from "The Little Rascals"? :confused: Dimmu Borgir did vocals like that from time to time, but it's only for flavor, not the main "attraction". It's too bad too, because musically it's something I would want to listen to.

I listened to a few Omnium Gatherum tracks. Is it wrong that I think it sounds like In Flames, if they did not start writing shitty albums? Yeah I know, the "Gothenburg" sound in general has a particular style, but this really sounds more like In Flames than any other band--maybe with a small dose of The Haunted too. Regardless, it sounds really good.
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I like solitude, my fav of them is witches sabbath. I like the way they mix heavy metal with something a little doomy.

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so if you said early Testament has that METALLICA/old school/thrash metal elements would METALLICA now be a genre?

That's case dependent though. Thrash (arguably) was not around until Metallica came out with it, so they could've coined the genre any which way they wanted to. Thrash ended up being the word. Maybe this time, Turbonegro ended up being the word.
Wow I can't believe I said that back there. It was mostly directed at all the death, heavy and thrash bands (haha, sorry Enemy I know that's your thing)

Some of you guys should just block me, because I'm really bi-polar and will probably always have stupid outburst like that. So yet again, I apologize.