say something about ... yourself!

It could be worse, we could have owned R.O.B.
proof of why my dad is awesome (and scary):
dad: did you eat any of that corned beef mom fixed?
me: no.
dad: *glaring* why not?
me: *scared* i'm ... not hungry?
dad: well, the shark might not have been hungry but he ate Quint.
me: *scared and confused* i'll go eat now!
was that the nintendo robot? ive NEVER heard of anyone actually having that

I owned a R.O.B. I may still have its head in a box of odds and ends somewhere.

Holy shit did that thing not work well. I ended up using the second controller with my feet instead.

The peripheral I still lust after is the NES paddle that came with Arkanoid
Powerglove fucking slays.

I didn't expect them to be as awesome as they were. I had an incredible/odd night. :)

EDIT: This is my story.

Good lookin' guy approaches me while I'm talking with a friend of mine that I didn't know was gonna be there. I'm all a 'whaa' because this doesn't happen much. So he introduces himself and then asks if I could do him a favor. Apparently his brother just got out of a long relationship and would benefit if I would go and talk to him... of course this brother is not what I'd call sexy-time, but whatever, I can be nice. As the night goes on, this guy becomes nerdier and nerdier and his hot brother was becoming drunk and not as socially attractive as before. Finally Powerglove comes on and I use them as an excuse to get away from the boys. Little did I know that the band feckin' awesome. So there I was for an hour stuck between the brothers (nerd 1 insisting he'd protect me from the random moshings) and nintendo metal made of up two extremely muscular members and a jewfro-cute front man that was kinda doin' the flirty thing. Eventually I said goodbye to the brothers and ended up discussing ab work-out routines with zeh sexy drummer and guitarist.

Why the hell do I always attract the weird ones?
Ladies, how do you get away from this problem?
I didn't expect them to be as awesome as they were. I had an incredible/odd night. :)

EDIT: This is my story.

Good lookin' guy approaches me while I'm talking with a friend of mine that I didn't know was gonna be there. I'm all a 'whaa' because this doesn't happen much. So he introduces himself and then asks if I could do him a favor. Apparently his brother just got out of a long relationship and would benefit if I would go and talk to him... of course this brother is not what I'd call sexy-time, but whatever, I can be nice. As the night goes on, this guy becomes nerdier and nerdier and his hot brother was becoming drunk and not as socially attractive as before. Finally Powerglove comes on and I use them as an excuse to get away from the boys. Little did I know that the band feckin' awesome. So there I was for an hour stuck between the brothers (nerd 1 insisting he'd protect me from the random moshings) and nintendo metal made of up two extremely muscular members and a jewfro-cute front man that was kinda doin' the flirty thing. Eventually I said goodbye to the brothers and ended up discussing ab work-out routines with zeh sexy drummer and guitarist.

Why the hell do I always attract the weird ones?
Ladies, how do you get away from this problem?
the not-initially-weird ones usually tended to have some other personality deformity/sexual deprivation/both that led them to me but that only became evident after fluids had been exchanged.

you could always date a Neverboarder! :loco:
is going to head to the bank to see what the hell's going on, then to my store because the only think i can figure is that the chick i work with who rang my stuff up yesterday didn't put the money back on my card after she had to post-void what i was buying ... and then to the gym.
got meds for my anxiety disorder, the celexa made me sick all day yesterday, fuck taking that anymore, and the Xanex to take when i have an attack.

im feeling a lot better, damn meds :erk: