say something about ... yourself!

Thanks Jen. :)

the not-initially-weird ones usually tended to have some other personality deformity/sexual deprivation/both that led them to me but that only became evident after fluids had been exchanged.

you could always date a Neverboarder! :loco:

Between you and Cara I don't know why there isn't a line of Neverboarders outside my door. *checks doors*

Because some of us have relationship disorders so bad we don't bother to ruin the lives of anyone else with it anymore :p

That and I just sard. Freedom of the bed, money, and shit I buy! <3
don't worry emily, you'll meet your perfect neverboarder one of these days ;)

i think i just missed my chance to get in the shower anytime before 4 am. i put so much waxy shit in my hair today trying to straighten it enough to be just wavy. well, it didn't really work and my hair feels nasty as fuck. can't go to bed without washing it.
christ, when will you kids learn that BONG RIPS cure all ailments. pills are just for fun.

TRUE STORY. One of my clostedst friends has ome anxienty disorders and she mostly just smokes weed ot fit.

Also I am ver very drunk and I just got hi on by TWO twins who were both like probabaly onver 20 years older than me. Good shit!

Fucking rock on and drink some beers!