say something about ... yourself!

So last weekend I was at a party, completely trashed out of my mind as part of my 3 day long Jameson binge, and theres this pregnant whore talking about her baby. Loudly. After about an hour of this I got really sick of it and started yelling at her to get an abortion. "Get a fucking coat hanger out of the closet and I'll do it on this table... anything to get you to shut the fuck up about your useless fucking child", or something like that.

Anyway fast forward to last night, I show up at a party at a mates house, and there she is, pregnant as ever, and she's there with who was apparently the father of the kid. This guy looked like a mexican emo girl... She points to me and he walks over to me, slowly and says something to me to the liking of "Why the fuck you talking about my babies mother like that. Why the fuck would you tell her she needs to get an abortion? Blah blah I'm a whiny whore, blah blah blah", so I says something around the lines "Well, my original reason was because she can't shut the fuck up about the unborn kid and I'm sick of hearing about it, BUT, seeing you I've got a few other reasons... The world doesn't need another ugly whiny half mexican emo cunt walking the fucking streets. Punch your woman in the stomach, and then kill yourself for the sake of fucking humanity".

Longer story short... they left, and then I left shortly after because there was no more entertainment (or booze) to be found.
We don't have epic adventures every time we're outside, like you. Mine are routine, exploding nuns, children catching on fire, it gets old after a while.
On the music video shoot I was working on last night for what seemed the entire day and night, we had an ARRI (a type of light) lying on it's face above a spray booth in a warehouse, right over the plate of a light we removed, you know so it shined through what was already there. And SOMEONE didn't check, like he was asked, and the drummer was standing underneath the plate and it EXPLODED, glass flying EVERYWHERE all over him. Surprisingly no one was hurt, and the ARRI's fat ass didn't fall through the hole. It was pretty exciting. I'll post photos later on... there are too many interesting things however to mention haha.
So last weekend I was at a party, completely trashed out of my mind as part of my 3 day long Jameson binge, and theres this pregnant whore talking about her baby. Loudly. After about an hour of this I got really sick of it and started yelling at her to get an abortion. "Get a fucking coat hanger out of the closet and I'll do it on this table... anything to get you to shut the fuck up about your useless fucking child", or something like that.

Anyway fast forward to last night, I show up at a party at a mates house, and there she is, pregnant as ever, and she's there with who was apparently the father of the kid. This guy looked like a mexican emo girl... She points to me and he walks over to me, slowly and says something to me to the liking of "Why the fuck you talking about my babies mother like that. Why the fuck would you tell her she needs to get an abortion? Blah blah I'm a whiny whore, blah blah blah", so I says something around the lines "Well, my original reason was because she can't shut the fuck up about the unborn kid and I'm sick of hearing about it, BUT, seeing you I've got a few other reasons... The world doesn't need another ugly whiny half mexican emo cunt walking the fucking streets. Punch your woman in the stomach, and then kill yourself for the sake of fucking humanity".

Longer story short... they left, and then I left shortly after because there was no more entertainment (or booze) to be found.

That was badass. :lol:
So last weekend I was at a party, completely trashed out of my mind as part of my 3 day long Jameson binge, and theres this pregnant whore talking about her baby. Loudly. After about an hour of this I got really sick of it and started yelling at her to get an abortion. "Get a fucking coat hanger out of the closet and I'll do it on this table... anything to get you to shut the fuck up about your useless fucking child", or something like that.

Anyway fast forward to last night, I show up at a party at a mates house, and there she is, pregnant as ever, and she's there with who was apparently the father of the kid. This guy looked like a mexican emo girl... She points to me and he walks over to me, slowly and says something to me to the liking of "Why the fuck you talking about my babies mother like that. Why the fuck would you tell her she needs to get an abortion? Blah blah I'm a whiny whore, blah blah blah", so I says something around the lines "Well, my original reason was because she can't shut the fuck up about the unborn kid and I'm sick of hearing about it, BUT, seeing you I've got a few other reasons... The world doesn't need another ugly whiny half mexican emo cunt walking the fucking streets. Punch your woman in the stomach, and then kill yourself for the sake of fucking humanity".

Longer story short... they left, and then I left shortly after because there was no more entertainment (or booze) to be found.
This was extremely un-climactic. What was his reply? I wonder what really happened.